November 15, 2022

$30 BILLION fraud--should be a big deal, but almost totally ignored by the Dem-protecting Mainstream Media

Back when the U.S. was a healthy nation, if a company with a paper value of, say ten billion dollars went bankrupt essentially overnight, that was BIG news. 

Three years ago the privileged son of two leftist Standord law professors founded a company that skyrocketed to a paper valuation of $30 billion.  The founder was a huge donor to the Democrat party, giving 'em $40 million in the 2022 cycle, after giving ten million to biden's 2020 campaign.

Last Friday that company was suddenly found to have engaged in what appears to be massive fraud, and declared bankruptcy.

$30 BILLION in customer funds went 'poof'.

Now, a few years ago, when the president of the U.S.--and thus the DOJ and SEC--was honest, this would have been a HUGE deal.  But now, for some reason, a $30 BILLION dollar fraud doesn't make the Mainstream Media "newz."  

You probably think I'm kidding, or stupid.  So try for yourself: Go to Google (yeah, there's the problem, eh?) and type "FTX" in the search bar.  You get about 93 million hits.  But now open a "Find in page" on your browser and type in ABC, then NBC, then CBS.  

Nothing there.

The Washington Post did run one piece, but it was an opinion piece titled "The FTX calamity explains why crypto is irrelevant," and it had little to do with the collapse and fraud.

Gosh, why would the Mainstream Media ignore a $30 BILLION fraud, eh?

There's no legitimate reason the Media should be ignoring this story.  But except for the NY Times, they are.  Why?

Say, you don't suppose it's because the founder of FTX is a leftist and heavy donor to Democrats and biden, do ya?

Mainstream Media:  "NOOOooo!  That's ridiculous!  We just don't consider this 'newsworthy'!  Americans wouldn't be interested in a $30 billion dollar fraud by a heavy Democrat donor!  Besides, you can't prove the founder donated to Democrats!  Just because someone prints numbers on the election commission's website doesn't make it true!"

   "Americans are interested in Global Warming-- wait: Climate Change.  And in stories about how the results of the midterm elections show that most voters LOVE president biden and VP Harris, and Dem policies!  And in stories that show the economy is BOOMING!  And stories showing how important it is to get boosted against the latest variant of Covid!  And stories claiming our elections are TOTALLY honest and fair!"

"See, unlike you flyover morons, we in the Media are reeeeally smaht, so we decide what's important and 'newzworthy' and what's not.  We have determined this isn't.  So go away."

And "just like that" [poof!] the story vanished.

SO...what can you learn from this tale, eh citizen?

It's that the Mainstream Media filters what you are allowed to see and hear to protect the Democrat party.  The Media--the people you naively rely on to tell you what's happening--will never allow any story of fraud or corruption by Dems to make it through their filters.

So when a corrupt Dem congresswhore introduces a bill to BAR the SEC from investigating any "oopsies" in crypto, you'll never hear about it.  Already happened, but you don't know, and will never know.  And thanks to the stolen midterms that have left the Dems in control of the senate, and only one seat short of controlling the House, you never will hear about it, even when it passes.

RIP, America.  It was a great ride while it lasted.


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