November 16, 2022

Leftist judge strikes down "Title 42," so the biden regime can now let all illegal aliens stay in the U.S.

"Title 42" refers to a provision in U.S. law (ignored by the biden regime and their lackeys) that allows the regime to deport illegal immigrants who pose a health risk to Americans.

The regime tried to end Title 42 by executive decree.  Spoiler:  The Contitution (ignored by the biden regime) doesn't allow presidents--even faaabulous Democrat ones--to violate U.S. law.  To the contrary, the Constitution (routinely ignored by the biden regime) ORDERS that "The president shall take care that the laws be faithfully enforced."

"Oooh.  But hey, no problem, cuz Americanz don' know squat about duh Constitution, so we kin do whutevah we like, an' ain't nobody gonna do nuffin bout it, cuz dey don' know whut Constituion say!  Yay!!!  An' even if some deplorable complain, we gots duh courts, so duh judge jus' t'row out case fo' 'lack of standing'!  Yay!!"

Today far-left federal judge Emmet Sullivan RULED that Title 42 violated the "Administrative Procedures Act," and said the regime couldn't use it anymore.  Of course the regime didn't WANT to use it in the first place but had to make at least a show of enforcing it.  But now, no need to pretend.

SO...after a federal judge said "Preznits--even those who claim to have gotten 81 million votes!--can't change U.S. law by issuing a presidential decree," biden’s pro-illegal-alien head of DHS, Alejandro Mayorkas, used "discretion" to reduce the number of aliens deported under that Title 42 since he took over the nation’s borders the day he was crowned.

For example, in October of this year--just that single month-- 277,500 illegal alien invaders walked into the U.S.  Mayorkas excluded just one-third under Title 42--which is very interesting since illegals aren't routinely tested for covid (or TB or anything else).  They're just released and flown to cities far from the border.  Cuz, Democrats.  So how can he know the aliens don't pose a threat to health of 'Mericans, eh?

Mayorkas issued a statement saying his priority was to let "foreign migrants" (illegal alien invaders) enter the U.S. at will "because of the murderous cartels."  This is amusing because the aliens PAY the fucking cartels up to $3000 apiece to guide them to the Rio Grande, which they then simply wade across.

Clever, eh?  Mayorkas virtue-signals "his priority" to get moronic Democrats to support the biden regime, ignoring his legal task of enforcing border security.  Cuz, Democrats.

Mayorkas wrote:
    We know that smugglers will lie to try to take advantage of vulnerable migrants, putting lives at risk. [The aliens PAY the cartels to guide them!  So if there's a danger from the cartels, it's the illegals who willingly pay the cartels that the lying shithead Mayorkas claims is "taking advantage of them."]  
   "We continue to... take enforcement actions against the smuggling networks that entice migrants to take the dangerous and often deadly journey to our borders..."

This is utter horseshit.  Name ONE "enforcement action against smuggling networks" that shithead has taken.  There's not one.  Oh wait...Mayorkas decreed that the heads of the cartels would NOT get to attend the next State of the Union address.  YEAH, that'll show 'em!!

But today a corrupt leftist judge has struck down Title 42 entirely, meaning all illegal aliens can stay--even those with criminal convictions in their own countries.  Cuz nothing says "good governance" more than importing criminals, eh?

The flood of illegal aliens has greatly benefited employers and investors, but has inflicted a huge cost on ordinary Americans, by forcing both state and fed gummint to spend billions on welfare.  

Typical Democrat voter:  "Dat okay, cuz Americans beez rich, so we kin afford to pay to give duh po' migrants duh housing an' duh food stamps an' duh cash an' duh free medical.  At least we Democrats kin afford it, cuz we be cashin' dem big checks from duh trust fund!  Yay!!"

The flood of illegal aliens has raised rents and housing prices.  But dat okay cuz 'Merkins can afford it, and duh biden regime be payin' duh rent fo' duh illegals.

Amid this, there's the relatively invisible problem of millions of doses of deadly fentanyl carried across the border.  Fentanyl overdoses have been killing about 100,000 Americans every year.

Typical Dem voter:  "Dis not a problem, cuz duh only pipo who die from fentanyl are stupid deplorables, so why you whinin'?  Us Dems are way smahtah, so we don' take dem dangerous drugs.  See, if chirren of Dems were dyin' frum duh fentanyl, dat border woulda been shut down tight when our faaaabulous preznit took power, since Dems control the White House and both chambers of congress.  Easy-peasy.  Dat prove dat only duh kidz of duh deplorable conservatives die from fentanyl. "




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