"It's far easier to con people than it is to convince them they've been conned"
It's amusing that some people believe there will eventually be a reckoning for the Dems ORDERING every school kid and almost every adult employee to take the jab.
There won't be. Ever. And let me explain why:
As a clever writer put it, it’s easier to fool people than to convince them they’ve been fooled. That’s well known in psychology. So the 70-odd percent of Americans who’ve taken the jab will NEVER admit they got conned.
Now extrapolate: Do ya think a corrupt “judge” (and almost all the high-level ones ARE) will make ANY ruling that weakens the desire of the 70% to believe they’re the smart ones for obeying biden's ORDER to take the jab? And to get their kids as young as two years old jabbed?
Of course not. Because that might make the sheep less
willingness to CONTINUE to obey outrageous, unconstitutional ORDERS. (And yes, there will be more...always.)
Regardless of how many people die from the jab, the CDC and FDA will continue to bleat that the vax is “SAFE…and EFFECTIVE.” And that “You can’t prove that any of these deaths were *caused* by the *safe, well-tested, effective* vaccine! You’re just a ‘SCIENCE DENIER’, citizen! And probably a ‘domestic violent extremist’ too.”
And most Americans will believe it.
Think that’s an exaggeration? Read the stories about sudden deaths of young Americans who had no known health issues before taking the jab. In writing about their sudden, unexpected deaths not ONE reporter asks the family if the victim had been jabbed.
No one wants to believe they’ve been conned.
Bottom line: No prosecutions. No huge fines or successful lawsuits
for wrongful death. And two years from now no one will remember much
about any of this, and healthy people suddenly dropping dead will be so
routine that no one will recall a time when it wasn’t.
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