September 20, 2022

Home prices and interest rates up, demand down, even before expected rate hike. Dems: "ALL IS FINE!"

"" is as much of a Wall Street shill as TV "stock expert" Jim Cramer--which is to say, when the market is beseiged by bad news that's crashing it, both are telling viewers to buy BUY BUY!

Same thing with the nation's economy: high inflation, consumer spending down, record credit-card balances, mortage delinquencies up.  All bad signs, eh?  So here's an article from Marketwatch ten minutes ago, with Democrat/biden regime comments:

"Mortgage demand is down by nearly 30% from the same time last year."

Dems: "Dis means nothing!  Just a natural cycle.  Yeah, dat's it!  Or if it's not natural, it's caused by Global Warming!"

“The monthly mortgage payment has increased about 60% compared to a year ago."

Dems: "Yay!  Dis just cuz clever, wealthy Democrats are buying huge, palatial homes!  Like president Obama's $14 MILLION estate on Martha's Vineyard.  That's all.  All these rumors about home prices and mortgage interest rates rising are just unfounded rumors by Trumpists!" 

"For the buyer, affordability has seriously worsened. Back in April 2021 when rates were at 3%, the annual income needed to buy a home at median price at $340,700 was $79,600, according to the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies.  But in July 2022, with a rate of 5.41%, and that median price rising to $403,800, the annual income needed for someone to afford a home would be $115,000.

Dems:  "C'mon, man!  Everyone knows Harvard is a bastion of conservative thinking!  So those numbers are very likely just 'wish-casting' by Republicans desperate to find just one issue with which to criticize our Party, which has done everything right so far!  But we not in recession!  No no no no!"



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