Florida flies 100 illegal aliens to solidly-wealthy-Dem Martha's Vineyard; suddenly Democrats think it's awful!
As you may have heard, Democrats LOVE illegal immigrants. Absolutely love 'em. As your famous half-black Kenyan president said, "We're a nation of immigrants." Yep. But aren't you missing a word there, Hussein? Let's see...what was it?
Oh yeah: "illegal." Oooh, my bad: You may only call 'em "Undocumented Americans." "Refugees."
Heaven forbid anyone should call them "illegal." Oh sure, they entered the country "illegally," but it's just AWFUL for anyone to call 'em "illegal" because...um...they're...um...well...um...well okay, they broke the law to enter the U.S. illegally, but...but...but you can't call them "illegal" because...they really really want to come here!
So...After 20 months of open borders, with Texas and Arizona flooded with two million illegals each year, one governor found a way to spread what biden calls the "gift of [illegal] immigrants" with other states: He chartered two jets and flew a whopping 100 illegals to the island where the Kenyan marxist's $14 million mansion is located: Martha's Vineyard.
Now here's the odd part: You'd think the wealthy Democrat residents of that island would have been thrilled to get some of that marvelous DIEversity, eh? The thrill of learning a new language and customs, enjoying exciting new cuisine, exposing their kids to new cultures...it's all just to wonderful.
In fact, the island's wealthy, so-sophisticated residents had only recently blanketed the island's fences and storefronts with the sign below:
But strangely, the local Democrats were NOT at all thrilled. The local "homeless director" said "We don't want them here." The governor of Massachusetts bitched and moaned.
But how could dis be? Dems have been screaming for years that "immigrants" [you bastards always leave out that vital word "illegal," eh?] are a "gift," and "DIEversity is our strength," eh? So you'd think the non-diverse residents of that Democrat paradise of Martha's Vineyard would be just overjoyed to have some of what they've told the rest of us is this faaaabulous gift, eh?
And yet when Florida shared this "faabulous gift" with the Dems, they didn't seem to appreciate it.
How...odd. It's almost as if they've been spouting utter, hypocritical bullshit about the "faabulous benefit" of illegal immigration for years! As long as the illegals were just invading Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Florida, liberals thought it was WONDERFUL. But when they got just 100, they screamed about how awful it was. Hmmm....
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