September 15, 2022

AZ Democrats defy state law, staffing vote-counting centers 10-to-1 with Democrats

In the 2020 election Maricopa County, Arizona, was the site of a huge election fraud in favor of Democrats.  Tens of thousands of fraudulent votes, in a state biden officially won by just 13,000 votes.

On investigation, the state legislature found that almost all "poll workers" were Democrats.

So lawmakers responded by passing a "law" that counties must hire equal numbers of poll workers from each party, and staff every polling place with equal numbers.  Problem solved, right?

Not even close.  The county--like many others--simply ignored the new rules, hiring far more Dem poll workers than Republicans.  Cuz rules don't apply to Democrats, and there's never any punishment for breaking 'em.

So Maricopa county hired over 100 more Democrat poll workers than Republicans during its August primary elections.

Then by carefully assigning employees to different voting places, 11 voting places ended up with no GOP election inspectors at all.

The same trend happened in the "central processing boards" that "total" the votes from the hundreds of polling places: Only ten Republican poll workers ended up in those boards compared to 58 Democrats.

The RNC is requesting a written explanation as to why an equal number of Republican poll workers weren't hired, as required by state law.

The events in Maricopa county match those in Kalamazoo, Michigan, where officials hired over twice as many Democrat poll workers as Republicans, and in Flint, Michigan, for hiring just 27 Republicans compared to 442 Democrats.

The Democrats simply ignore election laws designed to prevent election fraud, knowing there won't be any penalty, and that no court will reverse fraudulent results even in proven beyond reasonable doubt.

In case you haven't realized it yet: There are endless ways to steal elections.  It's simply not possible to stop fraud if one party is determined to cheat.  And if no one is prosecuted, convicted and sent to prison for cheating, there's no deterrent.

Which means we'll only have honest elections if the Democrats decide to be honest.

Hahahahahaha!  Dream on, people.



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