"Recession? What recession?" Media still continue to reject the "old" definition to protect Dems in November
If you're over 30 you may recall that the definition of a "recession" used to be "two consecutive quarters of falling GDP."
So...when GDP fell in both the 1st and 2nd quarters of this year, what do ya think the media said?
"We are NOT in a recession!"
Wait...you lying rat-bastards don't dispute that GDP fell in two consecutive quarters, so how can you claim we are NOT in a recession?
Answer: there's another definition the Democrat regime likes better: that determining a "recession" can only be done by a "board" called the National Bureau of Economic Research.
It usually takes that board a year or so after the fact to make that call, after looking at lots and lots of indicators. So if we accept that, we won't know until a year from now...much to the delight of the Regime. And that board gets federal funding, so naturally it doesn't want to irritate the regime.
Of course there was ONE exception to that "we can't tell until a year later" rule: When Trump was president, the NBER hurriedly declared a recession after only five months. Hmmm....
Amazing, eh? Definitions used to be pretty stable, but that was back in the old days. Under our modern rulers, definitions are refreshingly flexible--they can be changed at any time, like the CDC changed the definition of a "vaccine" when it became too obvious that the jab didn't actually keep anyone from getting duh Chyna virus.
So now we're actually in the 9th month of a recession--and yet not a single member of the Lying Media dares to admit it's a recession. The only time the R word appears is when the business news media says we could fall into a recession...maybe...some day...in the future.
Forbes is typical, writing in July, "U.S. Will Fall Into Recession This Year As 'Worrisome' Forces Grow."
"Will." No. We're already "in" a recession.
Last month "CFO Dive" wrote, "The U.S. economy probably will not grow this quarter and, after more weakening, may fall into a brief recession by early next year.
So even after three quarters of contraction, the media won't call it a recession.
How different it was when President Trump was president. The National Bureau of Economic Research couldn't wait to declare a recession after only five months instead of a year.
The Media claim the Bureau is nonpartisan and not beholden to government, but it receives federal funding and is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It will wait until well after the end of the year--and well after the midterm elections--to state the obvious.
Stock prices have already fallen about 15% this year, and with continued high inflation and higher interest rates, the outlook for recovery in the next six months isn't good.
You can't possible learn what's happening if you rely on Corporate Media, since the Media serves the Democrat party. For example, JPMorgan CEO Jaime Dimon still denies we are in a recession, but admits there's a small chance of something like it happening in the future -- after the election.
The something worse is double-digit inflation, which is caused by a sharp increase in the amount of money chasing a fixed quantity of goods.
That sharp increase in money supply is entirely due to biden and the Democrats. They passed law after law handing out hundreds of billions, to buy votes. Either none of their highly-paid advisors told 'em this would happen, or worse, the Dems knew it would happen but decided to do it anyway.
And the only proven way to bring inflation down to a tolerable level is for the Fed to raise interest rates--which depresses business activity, delaying recovery.
Interesting dilemma. And the Democrats--who control both chambers of congress and the presidency--did this entirely by themselves.
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