biden regime continuing to sell a million barrels of oil PER DAY from our 'Strategic Petroleum Reserve'
If you've been paying attention you know that on March 31 of this year the biden regime ordered one MILLION barrels of oil EVERY DAY from our "Strategic Petroleum Reserve" to be sold off.
(March 31) President Biden announced a record "release" from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve on Thursday — little more than a month after ordering a freeze on new oil and gas exploration on federal property.
Biden said he would drain the SPR by 1 million barrels a day for the next six months to offset the spike in gasoline prices tied to sanctions imposed on Russia over its deadly invasion of Ukraine, as well as inflation that’s at its highest level in 40 years.
"Tied to" is a claim by the biden regime to make you ignore his killing oil exploration in federal waters and lands in the U.S. on his first day in office.
The move would reduce the emergency stockpile stored in four salt caverns along the coasts of Texas and Louisiana by nearly one-third.
The stated reason was to reduce the price of gasoline in the U.S. And if the f'ing regime had sold the oil to U.S. companies, with the contractual condition that ALL the oil purchased must be used to increase the supply of "refined products" in this country, that might be remotely plausible.
But of course the regime did no such thing. Instead it sold the oil to other countries, including Chyna. And it's a total coincidence that the Chinese company biden sold a million barrels of oil to is one his corrupt, crack-head son has a large investment in. A total coincidence, citizen.
And 99% of the f'ing Lying Mainstream Media did not say a damn WORD about any of this, cuz they knew reporting the truth would make more Americans realize how utterly corrupt this Democrat regime is.
biden has ordered these sales--a million barrels per DAY--to continue thru the end of October--just 11 days before the election. And given the lag between a change in the world supply of oil and gasoline prices at the pump, this will ensure that prices don't rise before election day.
But of course this is just a coincidence: surely the Democrats who control the federal government wouldn't sell a million barrels PER DAY of our incredibly valuable Strategic Petroleum Reserve, to foreign nations just to offset their own insane, anti-American energy policies, would they?
Hey, that's "insurrectionist speech," citizen! Duh preznit is working to get you imprisoned for speaking or writing things critical of his and Cackles's regime.
"May 16 (Reuters) - The amount of crude oil in the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) dropped by 5 million barrels in the week to May 13, according to U.S. Department of Energy data.
"The amount of oil in the SPR fell to 538 million barrels, the lowest since 1987."
Why are the Deep State Democrats at the EIA no longer publishing the current amount of oil in the SPR?
Of course you already know: They don't want Americans to know how horribly biden and his band of communists are f**king our try to keep control of both chambers of the f'ing congress, by selling off our oil to cut the price of gasolihe by 50 cents a gallon.
So: I just now tried an experiment: An internet search engine listed the result "Weekly U.S. Ending Stocks of Crude Oil in SPR," supposedly current. But when you click on it, it doesn't show stocks later than the end of June. And again, today is September 17th. But something interesting happened: before the website showed the (old) June data, it flashed thru a different page, with a big red graph that appeared to show the current figure. But you can't get it to stop on that page.
I repeated the test a dozen times, each with the same result. And my computer is rock-solid. It appears that the EIA has re-directed the search so that it shows only the old data.
Perhaps this was just an accident which they may have fixed it by now. So try it yourself:
But if you know where to look, the figure for the amount of oil in the SPR for end of the week of September 9th is 434 million barrels. By contrast, the day biden announced his insane plan to sell our oil to other nations, the SPR held 565 million barrels. So in 159 days since biden announced his selloff, the Democrat regime has sold off 131 million barrels of YOUR oil. And that was before the regime got completely organized to sell biden's stated goal of a full million barrels per DAY.
Hey Democrats, do you love the regime selling off our Strategic Reserve to foreign nations? Does it make you feel smart for stealing the election for your party, AND stealing the two Georgia "special election" senate seats that gave your party total control of the federal government?
Do you even remotely begin to grasp what's happening?
You don't, of course--not because you're stupid, but for two other reasons: First, the Mainstream Media resolutely refuses to tell you anything the regime doesn't want you to know. (Not only that, the Media actively tries to debunk FACTS that reveal the corruption of the biden regime, like Hunter's laptop.)
And second, even if you learned what the Media doesn't want to tell you, your slavish devotion to keeping your corrupt party in power is the most important thing to you--even more important than your children.
Dems: "NOOOoooo! I love my children! And I'm sure they'll be FAR better off with the four MILLION poor 'refugees' {a.k.a. "illegal aliens"] that our wonderful, compassionate Leaders have allowed to stay in this country since his inspiring inauguration. We don't believe the poor 'immigrants' are selling huge amounts of fentanyl--and in any case MY kids would never take dangerous illegal drugs like that, cuz only stupid MAGA kids take illegal drugs!
"And if millions of unskilled 'immigrants' [you left out that crucial word "illegal" again] depress wages for low-skilled American workers that's not a problem, because Democrat Leaders will ensure those Americans don't suffer. And in any case MY kids will be going to a prestige university--Harvard, Yale or Stanford--so they won't be affected by lower wages for stupid MAGA kids."
"Finally, it's important that we continue to let people vote without having to show photo-ID, because that's RAAAcist! See, it's just too hard for minorities to get photo-ID, so any laws like that *suppress the votes of minorities.* Yep yep yep! Besides, you MAGA types can't prove that letting everyone vote without showing photo-ID encourages vote fraud! You only claim that because you keep losing elections!"
I rest my case. Enjoy the country you have deliberately created, Democrats.
And keep watching the barrels of oil in our SPR drop. But don't worry: You won't even actually NEED that oil, eh? Cuz your faaaabulous Leaders will force every American to buy a faaabulous Electric Car by the end of the decade, so we won't need oil anymore, eh? All duh energy will come from dem faabulous "wind turbines" an' solar panels. Yep yep yep. Cuz our leaders like AOC and Swalwell and Adam Schiff and Pelosi and Schumer bees reel smaht! Dey know we don' need dem 'fossil fuels' dat bees killin' duh climate by dat Global Warming!
May your children learn what you've done to them.
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