September 16, 2022

Another 17-year-old athlete with no prior medical problems drops dead. No agency wants to find the cause

I see another healthy 17-year-old athlete with no known health problems dropped dead yesterday.

Normally when someone dies, the writeup in the Lying Media mentions the cause of death.  But strangely, not a single one of the stories on all these deaths of young, fit athletes with no known prior medical conditions EVER mentions the cause of death.  It's like the parents and the reporters and the county coroner all shrug and say "He/she just up an' died, citizen.  Ain't no cause.  Jus' died."

Now, if we were only seeing this happen to a dozen young, fit athletes a year, that may be plausible.  But when it happens to tens of thousands, that's so extremely, outrageously unusual that you'd think SOME worthless federal agency would find that..."curious" and would investigate.

But amazingly, not a single agency of the biden regime has any interest AT ALL in investigating these tens of thousands of unusual deaths.  It's like they don't realize this is not at all normal--in fact, screamingly abnormal.  OR that they know it's not normal but simply don't want to find the cause.

But why would they not want to find the cause of these thousands of unusual deaths, eh?

It's because the regime agencies do NOT want to have to disclose the cause to the American people.  Because they already DO know, but as long as they never investigate they won't have to reveal it.

Now for the consequences:

It's been conclusively known for many months that young people have less risk of Covid than of dying from the so-called "vaccine."  So you might think that as soon as this was shown, all the K-12 public schools would have stopped forcing students to take the jab to attend class.  So have they?

Nope, corrupt school boards--bowing to the corrupt teachers' unions--are still FORCING all students to take the so-called "vaccine" (even though the jab is NOT a vaccine).

How about universities?  Have THEY stopped forcing all students to take the jab?  

Nope, the adminishits are still FORCING all students to take the jab.

Now before we knew the fake vax was more dangerous to kids than getting Covid, forcing young people to take the jab could be justified.  But the stats on the dangers to young people of both the jab and duh Chyna virus have been known with certainty for at least a year.  So how long do ya think it's gonna take for wealthy class-action attorneys to start filing lawsuits against both K-12 public-school boards and principals, and universities, for "negligent homicide" or "tortious injury"?

Considering how many millions of students have been injured (with most injuries just now being discovered), what do you think this will do to the country?

Of course every defendant will claim they were FORCED by the biden regime to order all students to take the jab.  That's a lie, but they'll claim it.  And the biden regime clearly, obviously DID ORDER all civilian workers for companies with 100 or more employees to take the jab or jump through hoops no one wanted to jump through, or be FIRED.  (Note how clever it was of the regime to make the companies fire non-jabbed workers, rather than the regime ordering the firings.)

So school boards and university adminishits can use the FACT that the biden regime DID order most adult working Americans to take the jab to try to persuade juries to find 'em blameless.

And who know?  Most jurors are incredibly stupid, so a good attorney might sell that defense.

But if not:  Think about all the 150-million parents who were ordered by the schools to force their kids to take the jab to attend school.  Some were eager to get their kids jabbed, but some were forced to.  At the moment the eager parents feel extremely virtuous, because according to biden and Fauci and Walensky, these parents were protecting their kids from duh dread Chyna virus.  But as several class-action injury trials unfold, some of these eager parents--as well as those who were forced to make their kids take the jab to attend school--are gonna slowly realize they were scammed.  Conned.  Lied to.  

And I suspect they won't be happy about that realization.

Now, what percentage realize they were conned I can't predict.  Among the "eager" parents the internal defense mechanism will be incredibly strong--the one that says "All these reports of deaths and injuries being caused by the faaaabulous vaccines are wrong:  Duh vaccines do NOT hurt kids, cuz if dey did, duh gruberment wouldn't have made everyone take duh jab, right?  'Safe and Effective,' right?"

Hahahahahahaha!  Sure, you bet.   And in other Media Newz, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny are both real.

The other group of parents--the ones who realized the so-called "vaccines" were ineffective and risky--will be pissed beyond belief.  And since there's no undoing it, all they can do is hope their kids don't get the injuries we're seeing.

We're living under conditions that would have been unimaginable five years ago.  Thanks, Democrats.

Of course the Dem leaders will blame Trump.  Already are, in fact--even though Trump said "If you're at high risk of dying from Covid, take it.  It's up to you."  Huge difference from the Dem approach of "You vill take zee jab or you vill be fired, and your kidsss vill not get to go to za school!"


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