September 18, 2022

A *very* highly-credentialed M.D. confirms duh Chyna virus was modified in a lab to be more lethal to humans

From two days after the first case of duh Chyna virus was confirmed in the U.S., people who understood genetic code knew the virus was NOT a natural mutation of a known bat virus.

This was known because samples of the Covid-19 virus from infected Chinese were taken to India, where they were gene-sequenced.  That sequencing found four places where the long single strand of "codons" had been cut apart, and entirely new sequences inserted.

Now, all viruses mutate, but coronaviruses and members of its wider family mutate even more rapidly than others.  So when the handful of scientists who knew about the inserted codons claimed it proved the Chyna virus had been deliberate modified to make it more lethal to humans, the head of a corrupt U.S. organization funded in part by grants from Anthony Fauci rushed to the Media to claim "this simply was NOT possible!"  And anyone claiming that it was was just an anti-Chinese bigot.

The organization was EcoHealth Alliance, headed by Peter Daszak.  There are numerous videos of him giving interviews openly bragging about how easy it is to modify viruses to make them do different things--a process known as "gain-of-function research."  Do a search for yourself and you'll see.

Daszak did more: He drafted a letter to the Lancet sneering at the notion that the Chyna virus had been modified in a lab, and asked a group of "woke" doctors to sign it.  Dozens did, and the Lancet printed the letter--giving the Mainstream Media the "cite" to claim "Dis simply NOT possible, citizen!"

But it was a lie.

One key is that most mutations change a single "base" at a time.  Groups of three of these "bases" "call" a specific amino acid, which link together to form proteins.  Since a functional gene almost always produces a group of several amino acids, a single mutation rarely produces a functional gene.  But in the Chyna virus ALL of the inserts were "functional"--they ALL did something to make the virus bind more tightly to cells in the human airway.

The odds of this happening by chance are essentially zero.

Now: Why would Peter Daszak have rushed to discredit the "modified in a lab" conclusion so quickly, before he knew anything about the structure of the virus?

Answer: He knew his organization had funneled grant money from Fauci's NIAID to the Wuhan lab--specifically to fund "gain-of-function" research--at a time when the U.S. government had BANNNED our own scientists from conducting such research because it was considered to be "too dangerous."

In other words, Daszak was covering his ass, and Fauci's.  He knew they were at least partly to blame for the virus that ultimately killed a several million people world-wide, and (if you believe the government numbers) around a million Americans.

If you're skeptical about this funding thing, I don't blame you.  It seems simply impossible that anyone could attempt to coverup such brazen lawbreaking.  But way back in 2015 the "bat lady" at the Wuhan institute presented a paper at an international convention announcing that her team had managed to insert a single gene in a bat coronavirus and still produce a functional, replicating virus.  Her team's published paper "gratefully acknowledges" a grant from the NIAID, exactly matching a grant from that agency to EcoHealth Alliance.  

The entire paper--including the acknowledgement--was on the internet (though may not be today).  I read it a week after Covid hit the U.S.  In other words, we have the proof.  

Could someone have faked the paper?  Sure, but who would have had a motive to do so?

Now:  I'm just some anonymous blogger, so you have no reason to believe my claims (unless you read the paper explaining 'em).   But at this link a doctor, Richard M. Fleming, who also has a JD degree and one in physics confirms everything I wrote above.  He's a cardiologist and a member in good standing of all the MD organizations.  And in a long video interview he confirms everything I've said above.  

If you watch it, you'll almost certainly be convinced that everything the government and Lying Mainstream Media have told you about duh Chyna virus was and is a LIE.

And it was all orchestrated by Fauci and Daszak to coverup their role.  And to do that they needed the help of a Media that didn't BEGIN to have the background to understand the actual science.  Instead the Media simply broadcast and printed anything Fauci told 'em as if it was true, without even trying to see if it was.

You've probably known people like that in highschool or college or if you're a corporation exec:  They're the ones who appear to be authorities on stuff, but when you ask 'em very pointed, specific questions you find they laugh or sneer contemptuously and do anything to avoid answering your question.  That's because they have no idea what the answer to your question is, but instead of admitting that (which would make them lose their aura of supposed competence) they simply dismiss your question.

The only small quibble I have with the interview at the link is that Fleming uses terms a layman isn't familiar with, like "GP120" (a "glycoprotein" produced by the HIV virus), "furin cleavage site" and so on.  These are functions present in the Covid19 virus that are NOT found in ANY natural bat coronavirus.

Now here's the funny:  A twatter user put a link to Fleming's video on twatter.  Click here to see it  (if twatter hasn't removed it).  You'll note that it says this:

The link you are trying to access has been identified by Twitter or our partners as being potentially spammy or unsafe, in accordance with Twitter’s URL Policy. This link could fall into any of the below categories:

  • malicious links that could steal personal information or harm electronic devices
  • spammy links that mislead people or disrupt their experience
  • violent or misleading content that could lead to real-world harm

Hmmm.  The site is safe, but the Democrat-regime-loving, truth-censoring bastards at twatter don't want you to see the video, so they try to scare you off. 

So they claim the link "could" steal your information," or even "harm your electronic devices"!!  Or it could "mislead" you, or (my favorite) "disrupt [your] experience."  WTF does that even mean?

And in case you didn't catch "mislead you" in the second bullet-point, they repeat it in the third line: "misleading content."  Until a year ago they didn't include the part about "that could head to real-world harm," but that makes it way more scary, eh?

Talk about "disinformation"!


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