Disney-owned network has new cartoon series. Lead character is the 13-year-old daughter of...Wait, who?
The Disney company owns the FX network. And FX has just premiered a new animated series--a cartoon--titled "Little Demon."
The plot is...well, a bit...demonic. The summary below is from show's creators:
For those who have a hard time believing what you just read, here are the highlights: 1) 13 years ago a headstrong woman is impregnated by Satan; 2) the child is now 13--and the producers of the series call her the AntiChrist; 3) Satan "yearns for custody of his daughter's soul." Cute concept, eh?
So sort of like "The Parent Trap," but animataed. Uh...no.
Did we mention that FX is owned by Disney?
Wait...wasn't there some sort of dust-up a few months ago about Disney pushing shows in which the leading characters are LGB- tranny? Do ya think there might be some vague connection with making a leading character of a cartoon series a literal daughter of Satan--a girl the show's creators call the AntiChrist"?
Eh, probably not. Probably just coincidence.
Oh, and liberals (Democrats) are screaming that anyone who thinks that an animated series that portrays Satan as a benign figure with a sense of humor, and gives the title role to the illegitimate daughter of Satan, might not be a good role model for girls, should just shut up and not watch it.
See, that's how our Democrat-ruled culture works, citizen: An "entertainment company" can air a series on, say, the importance of beheading infidels, and if anyone is offended, "Just don't watch!" Cuz we're not allowed to inhibit anything called "entertainment."
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