Q: "Two million illegal aliens came across the border this year. Your thoughts?" Harris: "The border is secure"
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Listen to the brilliant words of biden's female VP |
Astonishingly, instead of his usual Democrat ass-kissing, Todd notes that this year, for the first time, two MILLION "people" (Democrat Todd can never say "illegal immigrants" or "illegal aliens") entered the U.S. across the Mexican border. He asks Cackles "Is the border secure?"
If you want to see how deranged she and biden are, you REALLY need to listen to her response. She says "The border is secure," and that "the problem" is NOT the biden regime violating valid U.S. immigration law by allowing everyone who arrives to enter the U.S. permanently, but instead that "We have a broken immigration system." And that the "solution" is "a pathway to citizenship."
No, the problem is the biden regime violating U.S. immigration law by allowing everyone who wades across the Rio Grande to stay in the U.S.
Watch her face as she responds to the question. Her face clearly shows that she knows she's lying, and that's confirmed by her halting, chopped-up response. She knows that all she has to do is claim "The border is secure," and most of the stupid Democrat voters will believe her. Cuz after all, 1) she's a Democrat, so... and 2) she's female, so she wouldn't lie, eh? And 3) she's the f'ing Vice-president of our poor, abused nation, and how could anyone reach such a high office (as biden did under the Kenyan) without being an honest, inspiring leader who levels with the public, eh?
Are you proud of what you've done, Democrats? Are you thrilled, delighted, with what's happened to our nation since you helped throw the election to the utterly corrupt, incompetent biden and his moronic sidekick?
The most appropriate punishment for you people is that you have kids, who eventually (somehow) learn what this country was like before you utterly destroyed it by your stupidity and lust to give these people--your corrupt party--control of the entire federal government.
Thanks, Democrats.
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