July 11, 2022

Young Muslim boys to female Muslim reporter: "We'll kill you for not wearing the hijab!" Dems: "That's so cute!"

The video below shows an arabic-speaking female "reporter" in a refugee camp in the middle-east, having a conversation--from a distance--with 20 or so young Muslim boys.  The boys seem outraged to see a woman outside her home not wearing a face-covering, and shout that when they get older and get guns they will kill her--no matter that she's also Muslim.

In a time when the U.S. is beseiged by record high inflation, high gas prices, shrinking economy, 100,000 drug deaths per year, 152 different "genders," 3 million illegals invited in by the lawless biden regime, bringing in enough Chynese fentanyl to kill (literally) two BILLION people, and stolen elections, Americans have understandably forgotten about Islam. 

The children in this video aren't outliers or anomalies.  Rather, they're the intended product of Islamic teaching-- which is that all "infidels" (non-Muslims) are properly the property of Muslims and have only three choices: they can  1) convert to Islam; or  2) pay a special tax ("jizya") to be allowed to live); or 3) be killed.  Feel free to look it up.

The boys in the vid are “good Muslims,” having internalized the teaching of the Koran that women are not permitted in public without a face covering.  To them this is beyond question.

By stark contrast, residents of western nations--particularly under age 40 or so--increasingly reject religion, so cannot actually believe any religion (in this case also a political movement) would want to kill non-believers.  Further, westerners' only exposure to religion has been to gentle, civilized sects that wouldn't dream of being violent (WW2 and VietNam being forgotten).  So again, they can't believe....

Young Westerners have been taught that all societies are equally valid, that everything can be solved by social workers and negotiation, and that "diversity is our strength."  All three of those claims are utter horseshit, but once a mind embraces an idea--even a goofy, suicidal one--it's almost impossible to recover.

The Democrats will continue to dismantle our armed forces, to the point where we lose the ability to wage war.  Then they'll dismantle our nuclear arsenal, unilaterally--because all our Dem pols will have been taught that we're the only threat in the world.

My only consolation--and it's a tiny one--is that I don't have any kids or grandchildren.  But you might.


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