July 12, 2022

Woke Dems stage big "IncluXion conference" for "LatinX" voters, with "doctor Jill" as featured speaker

Sometimes when the news is awful, ya want something light and amusing for comic relief.

If you're a non-hispanic highschool or college-age American and haven't taken Spanish or French you may not know that Latin-based languages have different suffixes for nouns, like "hijo" for son and "hija" for daughter.  So "Latino" is a male hispanic" while "Latina" is female.

Well...when wokie liberal Americans seized power, one of their first steps to "destroy the patriarchy" was to claim--seriously--that there were 152 "genders," and that everyone was entitled to invent their own pronouns--and then to DEMAND that everyone else USE the person's DEMANDED pronouns, or the wokies would have the New York Human Rights Commission fine you tens of thousands of dollars.

Just as the wokies invented 152 genders, they invented dozens of new pronouns, like "xe" and "xir," to make their demands even more absurd.  The  most popular pronouns for woke young girls seem to be "they/them"--which of course are plural.  And the Lying Mainstream Media enthusiastically embraced the new wokie demands.  So for example, in a story about a single female victim of a mugging, the NY Times would write, with a straight face, "They weren't seriousy injured."

Is that cool or what?  Yay Media!  Educate us! 

No, it's crap--a method of cowing and controlling people to get them accustomed to obeying bullshit orders from wokies.

So back to suffixed Latin-based languages: The same wokie snowflakes who DEMANDED that everyone use "they/them" for an individual instead of a group felt absolutely compelled to inflict the same insanity on Latin-based languages.  So just as the wokie assholes invented "xe" and "xir," to make everything "inclusive" they demanded that the gendered suffixes -o and -a be replaced by a NEW, IMPROVED suffix that would stand for both--just like "they/them," eh?

So in their great wisdumb they invented "LatinX."

And without a moment's hesitation, the Lying Mainstream Media enthusiastically embraced this made-up term.  Instantly, if a story used the term "Latino community" the reporter and editor were attacked for not being woke..

But strangely, many Hispanics were...let's say "less than enthusiastic" about this DEMANDED change to the Spanish grammar.  So how did Democrats (all woke, of course) running the White House react?  They organized a big conference--in San Antonio--pushing "equity" for the "LatinX" community.  Take a look at the poster advertising it:

So not only "LatinX," but also the cutely invented word "IncluXion," to emphasize how "woke" the Democrat organizers were.

"Pandering"?  No, we're not familiar with that term.  It would only be "pandering" if a conservative tried it.


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