July 13, 2022

New poll--done for the NY Times--shows November mid-term races favoring...Democrats (??) by one percent!

As biden's approval rating sinks to 38%, you've seen hundreds of stories of Republican pols becoming confident of a winning lots of congressional seats in the midterms.

A month ago I told you it wouldn't happen, but instead that as we approached the midterms you'd start seeing stories saying the race was deadlocked.  Then when all the results are in--which is expected to take several days after election day--we'll find that the Dems will have lost far fewer seats than in most midterms--which the Media would justifiably claim is a huge win for them.

And sure enough, here's the beginning of the smokescreen:

A new poll has found Democrats and Republicans are essentially tied in the coming midterm elections, with Democrats citing gun violence and anger over the reversal of Roe v. Wade as the reason, even as the economy continues to tumble.

The Sienna College Research Institute poll, conducted on behalf of the New York Times July 5-7 among 849 registered voters found the race to control Congress is tight, with voters preferring Democrats to Republicans by just one percentage point, 41%-40%. Nineteen percent of respondents remain undecided.

While Republicans place significant focus on the economy, with 29% labeling it as the "most important problem" facing America, Democrats believe there are higher priorities.

"Democrats believe there are higher priorities."  Sure:  Like people using the wrong pronouns, or calling trannies by their "dead-name."  (That's an actual made-up term the Left uses for the name a person's parents gave him or her before the person changed genders.)

Only 13% of Democrats said the economy was the most pressing crisis, while 17% insisted gun policies are the most important concern.  Only 10% of Democrats listed inflation and the cost of living as the number one issue.

That's amazing: It's almost as if--according to the polls, at least--Democrats automatically discount any issue biden as screwed up, like the economy or the vax mandate, or kicking out 60,000 trained soldiers for not taking the jab at a time when the armed forces can't remotely reach their recruiting goals.

The poll also found an overwhelming 77% of respondents think the nation is "headed in the wrong direction."  A whopping 89% of Republicans agreed, and 63% of Democrats.  Yet astonishingly, the overwhelming recognition that the nation is headed in the wrong direction seemingly hasn't dented Democrats' enthusiasm for their party's congressional candidates!

One would think that with 77% of Republican voters and 63% of Dems saying "wrong direction," that should have resulted in something around 60-40 for Republicans, but that's not what the poll reported.  

The Media will blythely claim the reason the polls are tied on who should control congress is that most Americans really like Democrat policies, and that the reason biden's approval numbers are so low is that his and his VP's staff aren't doing a good enough job explaining why the Dems' policies are great. This "communication failure" allows Republicans to distract voters with scare stories about record inflation and near-record gasoline prices.  

Fortunately for the Dems, the Media will defend them by constantly reminding voters that any problems with our economy aren't biden's fault, but are due to "Putin's price hike."

And how will the Media spin the story of biden quietly selling a million barrels of oil EVERY DAY from our "Strategic Petroleum Reserve" to Europe, and even a million barrels to our arch-foe Chyna?  Wait...what?  Yeah, that story vanished after one day.  The Media is great at spiking stories that cost Dems votes.

So once again it's mission accomplished: all that has to happen for the Dems to "win big" in November (which would be ttue even if the ruling party only loses ten seats or so) is for the polls to show the races close enough that another steal won't be obvious.




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