July 13, 2022

Biden pickes the mentally ill pyrsun below--a drag queen--as best qualified in the whole U.S. to deal with nuclear wasts

If you pay attention to current events....  Wait, you don't.  You *think* you do, cuz you watch the evening news and maybe listen to NPR during your commute.  But what you're actually hearing is utter bullshit propaganda from the Democrat-fellating Mainstream Media.  And because that propaganda vaguely deals with current events, you think you've got a good handle on current events.

SO...with that said, let's see.  Tell me if you've heard this:  the person biden hand-picked for Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Department of Energy is a drag queen named Sam Brinton--who also goes by the name "Sister Ray Dee O’Active.”  (Cute, eh?)

Democrats: "Dis not true!  Dis Fake Newz!  Jus' right-wing conspiracy story!

Awww, that's so CUTE.  Democrats think that if they just yell "homophobe!" loud enough, everyone will nod and turn their attention to something else--like Putin.  Cuz it's always worked for 'em before.

Brinton is an active member of the D.C. chapter of a drag queen society called the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” which lists him as the principal contact on its 2016 and 2018 tax forms. During the group’s “Lavender Mass 2021,” Brinton can be seen referring to Anthony Fauci as “Daddy Fauci.”

Keep telling yourself, "This is evidently the most qualified person in the whole country to "manage" nuclear waste."

No.  Instead the team of gays and trannies running the White House were thrilled to stick another thumb in the eye of the American public.  Thanks, Democrats, for installing Pedo Joe and his merry band of destroyers.





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