July 11, 2022

Pro-Democrat Leftist rag starts the scare: "New ‘Ninja’ COVID Variant Is the Most Dangerous One Yet!!"

With just under four months until the mid-term elections, like clockwork the death-scare the Democrats must push to steal the mid-terms begins, with an article by the Democrat/Leftist cesspool the Daily Beast three days ago.

Sub-head: "The BA.5 subvariant can slip past the body’s defenses easier than any of its predecessors." 

Got it?  The new "sub-variant" (scarier than a plain ol' "variant") is the stealthiest yet!  Can "slip past the body's defenses easier than ANY of its predecessors!"

Sounds like you're trying to imply that this makes it more deadly!  So how DOES the lethality of this slippery subvariant compare to earlier, less-slippery variants, eh?

Looking, looking.  No figures.  All they say is "It appears to be more contagious than any previous form of the virus. It’s apparently better at dodging our antibodies, too—meaning it might be more likely to cause breakthrough and repeat infections."

Wait..."breakthrough infections"?  Say what?  What is the infection "breaking through," eh?  Oh yeah: dat mean you got duh jab but still got duh virus.  Sound like an admission that...wait for it...the vax didn't make you immune to covid.  But duh Fauci expert say dere wuzn't no such thing!  If duh vax don' keep you from gettin' duh virus, don' sound like a "vaccine" to most of us--at least before the CDC change the definition of "vaccine" last September!

And dis new "sub-variant" is "more contagious," eh?

Okay, contagious.  Like common cold--contagious, but how lethal?  Colds are contagious but no one seems to be worried because they're not lethal.  Flu is contagious and sometimes lethal.  How does BA-5 compare?  Still no figures.  Hmmm...

But don't worry, cuz author for Daily Beast say "Vaccines and boosters are still the best defense."  Ah.  Safe and Effective, eh?  And then he adds that "There are even Omicron-specific booster jabs in development that, in coming months, could make the best vaccines more effective against BA.5 and its genetic cousins.

Didja catch that, comrade?  Big Pharma is working on vaccines that will improve even the BEST current "vaccines" (not actually vaccines until the damn CDC changed the damn definition!).  So since you got vaxxed and boosted months ago, you got an older vax, and "real soon now" Big Pharma will be rolling out a vax that will outperform the BEST of the old, outdated "vaccines."  

So how good are the vaxes being developed that will be better than the BEST older vaxes, eh?  To get an idea we have to wade 22 'grafs down into the article, where we find this:

Yes, BA.5 seems to reduce the effectiveness of the best messenger-RNA vaccines. Vaccine-maker Moderna published data indicating that a booster shot it’s developing specifically for Omicron and its offspring works only a third as well against BA.5 compared to earlier subvariants.

Wait...I thought author David Axe just told us the NEW, IMPROVED vaxes being developed would be- "better than the BEST of the earlier vaccines," eh?  And at least the Moderna version works only a third as well against BA.5?  Gosh, that doesn't sound like a very good tradeoff!

Well perhaps that's not great news but perhaps the author has more exciting news for us.  And sure enough:

The more additional jabs you get on top of your prime course, the better protected you are. Arguably the best protection results from two prime jabs of the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer or Moderna plus a couple boosters. “Get your damn fourth shot!” [expert] said.

The problem in the United States is that only people 50 years old or older or with certain immune disorders qualify for a second booster. And the FDA won’t say when it might authorize second boosters for younger people

There ya go, comrade!  The problem is the FDA hasn't approved "second boosters for younger people"!

What we need is a form-letter that will let the bureaucracy authorize each new booster as it becomes the new goalpost.  Just the date and the number of the booster would be left blank, to be filled in as needed..



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