July 10, 2022

"Undocumented individuals" set fire in U.S. wilderness area, quickly given a million dollars and free tuition

Breaking newz from California:  Border Patrol agents arrested three undocumented individuals who started a fire in the Jacumba Wilderness.

Agents responding to a fire in the Jacumba Wilderness found three unknown individuals in the vicinity.

[end of story]

"Unknown individuals," eh?  "Undocumented individuals," ya say?  Yeah, if dey haz no docs, awful hard to identify 'em, eh?

But the real hoot here is that under the biden regime no one can use the truth anymore (although the Media hadn't since Obozo's ascended to the imperial throne) by calling em what they are: illegal aliens.

Illegal.  Aliens.  As in, illegally in the United States.  And "aliens" as in "foreign nationals."

To the biden regime and the Media supporters, truth is a foreign concept.

Just kidding about them being given a million bucks.  Actually the biden regime merely gave them loaded EBT cards and offered to fly them to any U.S city.they wanted.  And 74 universities--including Stanford--offered them free tuition.  Cuz Democrats LOVE illegal aliens.


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