July 11, 2022

The mRNA vax and "prions:" How many "experts" pushing the mRNA vax do NOT work for the regime?

The entire covid plandemic is a scam, and the vaccines are the payoff, resulting in something close to $200 Billion in profits for the companies that make 'em.

Of course I don't expect you to believe that, because the honest, brilliant biden regime--which you expect to tell you the truth, always, and which has never lied to you before, eh?--has endlessly bleated that the vax is "safe and effective."  "Safe...and Effective!"  Both words are lies, but you believe them because the biden regime has been bleating them at you since it took power.  And why would they say the vax was safe...and effective..if it wasn't true, eh?  

Where's the motive?

Some earnest person has made an almost two-hour-long video, in which he interviews scores of experts who point out how anti-science the vax and the lockdowns are.  Very informative.  But government sheep bleat that none of the interview of experts is "hard data," merely...their opinions.

Opinions, eh?  You mean like Fauci's opinions?  Rochelle Walensky's? (head of CDC).  Any of the dozens of poseurs drawing a paycheck from the regime and claiming to be experts?  And the Mainstream Media dutifully re-prints their every word, without a single tough question.  Because most "journalists" who work for the Mainstream Media don't know shit about actual science, so they eat whatever shit the regime feeds 'em.

But again, I don't expect you to believe any of this from me.  Cuz you have no idea of my background.  And that's very reasonable.  So let's look for someone most people would agree is an expert in viruses and how the operate.  But it's crucial that we look for an expert who has no financial interest in keeping the scam going, eh?  Because *as should be obvious to everyone,* a person who's getting paid to keep the scam going will say anything to keep their fat paycheck and royalties and stock portfolio raking in the cash.

(The deeper you dive into this, the more you find that almost ALL the people pushing the scam are making money from it.  By contrast, if we only look at experts whose jobs do NOT require 'em to push the Party Line, the concensus seems to be about 20 to one that the vax--and the plandemic--are scams.)

Dr. Luc Montagnier won a Nobel prize for identifying the HIV virus--the one that causes AIDS.  You'd have a hard time finding someone who know more about viruses than Montagnier.

Montagnier said he thought the vaxxes were "poison."  Literally, that's what he said--in a speech before the parliament of Luxemburg.  He then went into detail into his reasoning.  Summary below, but to understand it you need to know a bit about "prions" and their role in causing some really nasty diseases: Creutzfeldt-Jakobs disease (CJD), "scrapie," and "mad-cow disease."

Prions are a cross between a virus and a protein. They attack brain cells and nerve cells, and CJD kills those infected in as little as 3 months, by destroying the brain.  There's no cure.  

While there is an extremely rare genetic defect that causes the disease, most humans are thought to become infected by eating meat of infected animals, mostly cows.

If you're over 40 you may have heard of "mad-cow disease." It peaked in 1992, mostly affecting the U.K.  After a few dozen people died from CJD the government ordered 4.4 MILLION cattle destroyed and buried to try to stop the spread.  

Interestingly, because scientists and doctors had never discovered prions before, the scientific and medical community totally dismissed the claims with a nasty sneer: "We've never heard of this, so it can't be true!"  But it was.  

So do ya think the sneering "experts" ever apologized for their sneering dismissal?  Hahahahahaha!  I see you just arrived on the planet!  Of course they didn't.  They just counted on the fact that no one would recall that they'd sneeringly dismissed "prions" as a wild "conspiracy theory."

Sound familiar?

From his study of viruses, Montagnier became an expert in prions.  Now we're ready to go.  Here's Montagnier in November of 2021:

We are now learning--in work published over a year ago--that the mRNA shots contain an area that we can call prion, which is an area capable of introducing protein modifications in an unpredictable way. As a doctor I knew 21 people who received 2 doses of Pfizer vaccine--ALL of whom died of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease--which is caused by prions.
Democrat: "NOOooo!  Dis not true!  Dis FAKE NEWS!"

Yeah, snowflake, it's fake news.  "Montagnier never said it."  Wait, he did.  "But what does HE know about an almost-always-fatal virus like Covid?  He's no expert!"

No, ya dumb sonofabitch, he IS an expert--far more than the poseur charlatan Fauci.  And by the way, covid is no more lethal than the flu--unless you go to a hospital where they will withhold effective treatment and instead put you on a ventilator that will kill you.

Did you know that dozens of drug companies have tried producing mRNA vaccines before covid?  Did you also know that in every case, the vaxxes killed all the test animals?  No?  Hmmm, those papers are still posted on government websites.  The scammers knew if they deleted 'em it would be obvious that the fix was in.  Far better to let 'em stay, counting on the fact that not one layman out of a million would understand 'em.  And that 99% of doctors would never find 'em.

(Here's one that's fairly easy reading, published in "Microbiology and Infectious Diseases in February of 2021: )

Reading the paper linked above makes it clear that the author knows all the details he's writing about.  He knows the mRNA vaxes, inside and out.

Montagnier notes that in the early 1980s there was a huge scandal in France when over 120 children died of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.  What the dead children had in common was that all were subjects in the trial of a vaccine containing an extract of the human pituitary gland. The material for vaccination was taken from people who had died in nursing homes.  But the pituitary donors didn't have Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, so how would the vaccine have caused the child subjects to get CJD?

Turns out the pituitary donors had either Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s--suggesting that all three diseases have something in common, which no one suspected at the time.

Later Montagnier studied the results of a vaccination experiment on sheep.  After being vaccinated the animals began to itch constantly, rubbing against fenceposts and losing their wool.  They turned out to have a disease called scrapie, which is another prion infection.  Scientists studying the test results quickly identified the vaccine as the cause, and then tried to determine which component of the vaccine caused the disease.  They eventually concluded that it was caused by tiny amounts of aluminum, which was used in vaccines as an adjuvant [something to increase the body's immune response to a vaccine].

So there's a lot of evidence suggesting that the mRNA vaxes can cause lots of damage, by forming prions.  This isn't anecdotal evidence, but demonstrated causation.
Finally let's look at one more aspect of the vax scam:  Psychology.

Almost no one who believed the biden regime and took the shots will ever admit they got suckered.  That would cause far too much cognitive dissonance--because not only do people not want to admit to being played, far worse is knowing that if you took the vax there's obviously no way to undo that:  All you can do is just hope it won't cause any of the known harms to *you* or your family.

With such a huge psychological barrier for the jabbed to admit the regime lied to 'em, virtually all those who took the vax will take the other option, defending their choice to take the vax.  Which requires defending the regime that either pushed or forced that choice.  Very understandable.  

So how long do you think it will take the vaxxed to DEMAND that the regime force those who refused the jab to be forced to take it, to put those who previously refused the jab in the same boat as the "vaccinated" are in now?

Ah, I hear you saying that can't happen.  But do you recall when the faux "president" said he and his lackeys would *never* order Americans to take the jab?  "No mandates," said Porridgebrain, in front of dozens of video cameras.  And what did he (they) do just six weeks later, eh?

Yep: ordered the "vaccine mandate."

Good luck.



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