July 10, 2022

Angry black female viciously attacks black female clerk. Then justice happens

There are too many "small encounters" to keep up with, so I rarely post about 'em.  But sometimes a "small encounter" is such a perfect metaphor for where we are as a society that it warrants posting.

The clip at the link is from Dayton, Ohio on July 8th (two days ago as I write this).  It's an O'Reilly auto parts story (not Dollar General), and a black female customer is ANGRY, apparently feeling that black female clerk has "dissed" her in some way.

So with classic ghetto style the customer grabs the female clerk by the hair, pulls her over the counter and proceeds to thoroughly beat her, including a kick to the head.  Clerk manages to escape back behind the counter as attacking black bitch calmly collects her belongings.

Then whoops!  Clerk re-appears with a gun and shoots her attacker.  Not a life-threatening wound but enough to put attacker on the floor, screaming like a stuck pig.  The clerk she just beat senseless stands over the flattened attacker, showing amazing restraint in not firing 5 more rounds into her worthless, impulse-driven carcass, but just saying "How you feel now, bitch?  Why you do that to me?"

So can this episode teach us any wider lessons about where we're headed?  Maybe.

Black female clerk has a job.  Gets violently attacked and beaten by another black female who totally lacks "impulse control."  Clerk flattens attacker ONLY because clerk has a handgun in her purse.

Lesson: Don't let the Democrats take away your guns, because you won't have any way to defend yourself against a suprise attack, or an attack by a stronger opponent.

But of course if you're a good Democrat you'll be happy to support gun confiscation.  Cuz duh Dems promise you it's gonna save lives.  And if people get beaten by surprise attacks, or stronger thugs, well that's just too bad, eh?

F Democrats.  F joe biden and his miserable regime.  F Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and AOC and Adam Schiff and Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar and all the rest.


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