July 09, 2022

Tucker summarizes why neither the biden regime nor the Mainstream Media want to know where C19 came from

If you get your "newz" from the Mainstream Media you believe the economy-destroying, world-changing Covid-19 came from...where?  C'mon, folks...you remember, right?  Surely, given that this virus destroyed the U.S. economy--even as China's economy continued to grow hugely during the Democrat-decreed lockdowns that crushed the U.S. economy, you should have been at least mildly interested in the cover story, eh?

Eh, no matter.  The official story--the Narrative (i.e. a bullshit cover story created by people determined to ensure you wouldn't ever find the REAL origin--was that the virus was a "natural mutation" of a virus known to infect bats and pangolins--both of which are eaten by millions of Chinese.

Supposedly a single copy of this "naturally mutated" virus ended up in a dead bat or a pangolin in a known "wet market" in Wuhan, where it was purchased and eaten by some anonymous resident of Wuhan.

It was a great Narrative because it was superficially plausible--which is all the plotters need, especially if they have a cooperative media which repeats the Narrative endlessly and never looks deeper to find where the Narrative falls apart.

Watch the 18-minute vid at this link.  Tucker Carlson explains that an honest government would really be interested in finding out where the virus came from.  But the biden regime is just the opposite: it is totally UNinterested in investigating.  The reason should be obvious: China owns biden and his ghastly, corrupt meth-head son Hunter.

Or take the Worle Health Organization--a U.N. agency, ostensibly interested in improving the health of people.  That's the stated mission  The director of that agency is a former communist from fucking Ethiopia who does NOT have an M.D. or PhD.  He is, as the Russians say, a "party apparatchik" who was installed as director by the communist party of China.  And in the early stages of the plandemic the WHO did everything possible to steer world opinion away from blaming China.  "The virus was a natural mutation, in an animal that was sold in the wet market in Wuhan. And we have NO evidence of human-to-human transmission!"

Except that's a lie.  Deliberate.  Calculated.  And you and everyone you know believed it, because it was plausible, and you didn't have the science background needed to show the "natural mutation" fable was absolutely impossible.  And in a few minutes I'll show you why.  But first watch the Tucker clip.

The first key point is that by letting the Dem governors lock down the U.S. economy--while China only locked down the ten million people in Wuhan--the U.S. economy was destroyed for 18 months, while China's grew at an even larger rate than before.  So China became the world's largest economy.

A bigger problem was that with virtually all U.S. small businesses closed (by Dem decree), and tens of millions not working, the regime spent over ten TRILLION dollars sending checks to people.  That locked in the record inflation we're seeing today.

Next: when Porridgebrain directed the "intel community" to tell him where the virus came from, the report they produced was just one-and-a-half pages.

See, they were busy for several months researching UFOs.  Or global warming.  Or claims that Trump colluded with Putin to steal the 2016 election.  No.  The intel community made a short report to reduce the risk of making a statements that could easily be proven false.  The longer the report, the greater the risk.

This report said there was a 50-50 chance the virus came from a lab leak in Wuhan.  Whoa, that quietly blew up the earlier Narrative, but the 50-50 prevents Republicans from using it as a definitive statement.

Watch the vid of Peter Daszak, who funneled U.S. taxpayer money from Fauci to the Wuhan lab, specifically to help fund "gain of function research."  Daszak explains that it's really easy to modify coronaviruses, specifically by modifying the "spike protein" and attaching it to the "backbone" of the virus.  Which is exactly what they did to make the relatively harmless bat virus lethal to humans.

Watch Tucker showing the statement of the scientist who noticed a new gene that wasn't present in the original bat coronavirus.  It was a "furin cleavage site" which made the virus far better at binding to human airway cells.  The odds of that specific gene getting into exactly the right place in the bat-virus gene sequence to make the virus more lethal to humans, by random mutation, are so close to zero as to be...zero.

Imagine going to Vegas and telling your friends that on Saturday night at 8:17 pm you were going to be dealt a pat straight-flush, 8 thru queen, in spades.  The odds of that happening are about the same as the furin cleavage site showing up in the right place.

Tucker explains that all this was known to the Mainstream Media, and they could have asked the questions that would have revealed the truth.  But they were as uninterested in finding the truth as the biden regime--and for a similar reason:  The biden regime isn't interested in blaming China because China owns biden--i.e. blackmail for all the cash they've paid his family. But turns out China also pays the Mainstream Media millions every year for big pro-China insert magazine sections in major liberal papers--specifically the NY Times and the WaPo.  The Times desperately needs the cash, and know that if they claim the virus was leaked from the Wuhan lab, no more ad revenue.

NOW...how do we KNOW the virus was modified in a Wuhan lab?  To understand this, you need to know that every known coronavirus has already been gene-sequenced.  This is not a secret.  And the sequences are published, and on the internet.  Also not a secret.  But unless you're in that field, how could you know?

And before the first case of covid hit the U.S. a group of researchers in India had already sequenced C19, and published the genetic code.  Again, you never heard about that because the Mainstream Media didn't tell you, and it's not your field..  They then compared the gene sequence of the closest bat virus to that of C19--and you'll be amazed at a) how clever that technique was; and b) what they discovered.

I read their paper two days after the first case of C19 was confirmed in Seattle, on Jan 31, 2020.  A week later I explained how it worked, on this blog.  Click here to read that post.

Short answer:  You've been played.  Lied to.  Repeatedly.  By most of the assholes in the biden regime--including the bastards in the vaunted "intel community," which has shown repeatedly show that it loves and supports Democrats and hates Republicans.

Again: What are the odds of four groups of eight specific "right" letters, in the right order, inserting themselves in a natural virus, in exactly the right place to make the virus lethal to humans, by random mutations?  Re-read the Las Vegas poker example.  And use your damn head.  You can't trust the Mainstream Media to even remotely hint at the truth because it will hurt their party.  So in effect, they're trying to help cover up the scam.  And of course the biden regime isn't gonna investigate itself, any more than the FBI will ever depose Ray Epps (one of their very prominent undercover agents on Jan 6th).


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