July 09, 2022

Tucker explains biden's and the Dems' crimes in just 18 minutes--excellent explanation

I can warn you about the future, repeatedly--specifically about the utter corruption of the biden regime and all its lackeys.  But since I'm not rich or famous I don't blame you for being skeptical. 

But Tucker Carlson is the highest-rated news analysis show on cable.  If he were to say something provably false, the entire Leftist/Democrat Mainstream Media would scream bloody murder.  But they don't, except for whining that Carlson supports conservatives (true).

So...two days ago Tucker noted that biden has ordered five-million barrels of oil from our nation's "Strategic Petroleum Reserve" shipped to other countries, with plans to ship a further one million barrels EVERY DAY for the next six months.  And one million barrels have already been shipped to China--in fact to a company in which corrupt son Hunter is an investor.

Wow, bet you hadn't heard that, eh?  Democrats:  "Dat not true!!  Dat fake newz!"

Really, sparky?  If it's fake, Hunter should sue.  Let's see if he does, eh?  Wanna bet on that?

Carlson claims that alone should be an impeachable crime--but of course with Kammie as VP no one dares to impeach Porridgebrain.

Carlson starts with the obvious truism that to be a functioning county requires food, water and energy, before showing how the biden regime is ensuring that the U.S. will soon be short of two of those crucial three things.

After biden's first three days in power I didn't think things could get any worse.  My mistake.



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