July 09, 2022

People dropping dead at age 20? What could be causing it? It's so baffling that the CDC isn't even investigating

If you pay attention to events you may have heard that 20-year-old, conditioned athleted are dropping dead all over the world.  Children are being diagnosed with formerly rare (at that age) myocarditis. 

The brilliant experts at the National Institutes of Health are completely baffled!  Same for the experts at the CDC--the so-called "center for disease control."  

Now, if you're an average American (which is to say, a "deplorable") you might think the CDC was actually responsible for "controlling" disease outbreaks, eh?  Hahahahaha!  But of course they can't be blamed for not controlling a "disease" if they don't admit that the numbers show there IS a disease.

And they don't.  I'd love it if the U.S. had just ONE honest reporter who would ask that smug bitch who heads the CDC "How do the actual numbers of U.S. deaths by age group compare to, say, 2019?  And then how does the number of cases of myocarditis so far this year compare with 2019?"  

The CDC knows, of course.  But they've made it almost impossible for you to find those numbers.

Why are the numbers higher today than in 2019?  To the FDA and CDC it's a mystery.

But finally the CDC agreed to let us talk with its resident expert, Dr. Baffled:

When we interviewed Dr. Baffled in his office he was looking thru a Lamborghini brochure.  Turns out a lot of CDC officials are buying Lambo's now, I guess because the crypto market is so good.

The doctor assured us that all reports of more Americans than normal dropping dead--especially young athletes--where "merely anecdotal" and not actual data.  Same for myocarditis in young people.  "It's always been a problem for young people," he assured us.  "You just think it's unusual because you stupid conservatives don't know how to interpret data.  You have to go to a really good university to learn how to do that.  And you didn't."

When we asked the doctor to show us the CDC's official numbers of deaths of young athletes, and cases of youthful myocarditis, for this year and for 2019, he replied that he'd love to but the CDC's computer was down again.  When we asked how often that happened he assured us that it was quite rare.  So we asked him if we could come back so he could show us the data, but he was getting up and checking his watch.

"That would be fine," he said.  "Call my secretary and we'll set that up.  But I'm gonna be out of the country for the next month presenting important papers at world conferences, so it'll probably be November before I'll be available.  Maybe around the 6th.  Sorry to run but I've got an appointment at the Lambo dealership."



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