July 07, 2022

Virginia school district orders teachers NOT to tell parents if a student takes ANY action to go tranny

With our nation being dismantled before our eyes, the story below may seem trivial by comparison.  It's not, because it shows how totally the pro-tranny, pro-homosexual Left dominates the public schools.  They do whatever they want, and if you object at a school board meeting they'll have you thrown in jail for "threatening" them.

If--heaven forbid--your child threatened a teacher, or was found to be using illegal drugs at school, or carrying a gun, would you be fine for the school NOT to notify you?  (Most leftist parents would be fine with that, but you're not a leftist.)

Okay, how about if your child--following the "cool kidz" move to get attention by "changing genders"--wanted to be called by a different name, use different pronouns and use the restroom of the other sex, do you think the school should hide that from parents?  Cuz in Virginia that's now official policy.

According to a "mandatory faculty training module" obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, the Fairfax County school board is ordering teachers not to notify parents if a student as young as kindergarten-age takes any of several actions at school that show they're interested in going tranny.  

Not surprisingly, the school board didn't respond to a request for comment, which strongly suggests that the slides of the "faculty training module" are accurate.

The "faculty training module" is just the latest example of a school board implementing controversial policies without parental consent.

Among the insane "handbook rules" imposed by the school board is one putting students on suspension if they use "wrong pronouns" when  referring to "gender-nonconforming" classmates. The school board adopted that RULE despite parents' objections that it violates the First Amendment.

(In case you've been asleep for decades, public schools don't allow free speech--a policy affirmed by many leftist judges.)

After Republican governor Glenn Youngkin set up a tip line for parents to report similar insane rules imposed by school boards, the Left went crazy.  As you could have predicted, the leftist Association of School Superintendents immediately called for the tip line to be shut down.

Lest you think this sort of "F-U" behavior is unique to one leftist county, the state's Department of Education supports not notifying parents if their child takes gender-change steps at school and the student doesn't want his or her family to know.

Now here's the hoot:  Per the Left's "rules," that last 'graf contained what the Left calls a *hate crime.*  Did anyone catch it? 



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