July 10, 2022

A brief summary of events around the 2020 "election"

On election night of 2020, by midnight it looked certain that Trump had won.

When I woke up, hundreds of thousands of votes for biden had mysteriously appeared at 3am.

Later the Media told us about a "water-main break" in the Fulton County counting center that caused the count to be stopped at 10 pm. 

MUCH later we learned the story about a "water main break" was a brazen, proven lie.

2500 sworn affidavits of people claiming to have personally witnessed election fraud were ignored by the courts, often with the claim that "the disputed votes would not have changed the outcome."

Later we learned that in Pennsylvania, 700,0000 more absentee ballots were returned than were mailed out.

We learned that "poll watchers" were told to leave counting centers, even though vote-counting continued.

We learned that many precincts in battleground states officially reported many more votes than eligible voters in those precincts.

We learned there was no "chain of custody" documentation for thousands ballots supposedly picked up by "workers" and taken to counting centers.

We learned that hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots only had one race marked--voting for Biden-- with no down ballot votes.  Makes no sense: anyone who would vote Dem would vote for other Dem candidates, eh?

We learned that voting machines were connected to the internet, often by WiFi, despite that being against election rules.

We saw surveillance-camera video of observers being sent home, then two workers staying behind, pulling cases of ballots out from under tables and feeding those ballots into scanning machines.

We learned that the two workers have never been interviewed or ordered to give depositions.

We saw video of Democrat counting-center workers taping cardboard over the windows of the counting room while poll-watchers were ordered outside.

Much later we learned about 2000 mules stuffing the insane (from an honest-election standpoint) "drop boxes" with ballots.

We learned that Fakebook founder Mark Zuckerberg had put $400 MILLION into local Democrat organizations--including supposedly-nonpartisan election boards!--in Wisconsin to generate more Democrat votes.

We learned that tens of thousands of absentee ballots were mysteriously missing, in states biden was alleged to have won by fewer than 12,000 votes.

Two weeks before "election" day a major NY paper had reported that an abandoned laptop belonging to Hunter Biden contained tens of thousands of damning emails showing biden family corruption.  Twatter responded by suspending the newspaper's account.  Fakebook deleted any post that re-posted the story.  The Mainstream Media told us--without a shred of evidence, simply repeating a line from a Dem plotter--that the entire story about the laptop was "Russian propaganda."

Only a year later did the WaPo and NY Slimes admit that the laptop was real, but by then biden was already in the White House, destroying the country.

Only later did we learn that the laptop had been seized by the FBI BEFORE the election, but they hadn't done a single bit of investigation to determine if the emails it contained were true.

Then we found out the committee running the "presidential debates" was stacked with antiTrump Republicans.

With the Left/Democrats having to work SO hard to install this corrupt regime, is anyone surprised that it's been a total shit-show since its very first day in power?

BTW: Trump won.  And Kamala is the still the stupidest vice-president in history--which is why she was chosen: she's Porridgebrain's impeachment insurance.



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