July 07, 2022

Our faabulous VP gives a long, VERY serious interview at "Essence Festival." Wait...what?

Roughly half of all American knew Kamala Harris was an incompetent moron--a poseur--long before she was hand-picked by Democraqt strategists to be Porridgebrain's impeachment insurance, but now many of the rest are starting to learn the awful truth.

And say, here's an absolute truth, in politics and corporations:  Confident people pick the brightest, most competent staffers they can find, since the staff obviously does the behind-the-scenes work that will (hopefully) help the boss look competent.  But it's a hallmark of both politics and business that insecure, incompetent bosses choose staffers that won't out-shine the boss.

Now can anyone guess what unintended effect this has?

Sure: incompetent staff work.  So policies aren't properly vetted,  Unqualified people are appointed to head sub-agencies.  Basically every move starts to look like a clusterfuck.

Example: Just before July 4th Kammie appeared on-stage, in a long interview by a fawning black woman for the "28th Essence Cultural Festival" in New Orleans.  The interview was televised, and the screen contained 1) a pic of the White House (upper left corner); 2) the White House logo,(lower right corner); 3) the heading "Vice-President Kamala Harris" and 4) the seal of the "office of the vice-president".  Take a look at some screenshots:

WOW!  Dat's so very, very vice-presidential, right?  Shows how utterly competent and serious duh VP is, eh?  "We in duh big leagues now, Weezy!"

 Say, did any of you notice anything...unusual about those screenshots?  Um...wait, where are we again?  Oh yeah, dat's right: New Orleans.  And what state is that in?  Sure.  

Wait...did those morons really mis-spell the name of the.state hosting their faaabulous "festival"?

This interview had every imprimatur of the fucking WHITE HOUSE.  Of the office of the faaabulous, totally competent vice-president.  So you'd think at least 40 staffers would have accompanied Kammie to this faaaabulous "festival," to ensure the "entertainers"--fiundamentally stupid people--didn't do something to embarrass the White House.

Now, we understand that the organizers of the Essence festival are entertainers and grifters, and don't necessarily know how to spell.  But Harris's staffers should know how to spell.  Did any Harris staffers bother to check the graphics bearing the "White House" logo, and their boss's name and the seal of that office?  Go ask.  We'll wait.

This regime is a total shit-show.  Incompetent is far too generous a word to describe these clowns.

Thanks, Democrats.  Thanks, Dominion. 



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