July 07, 2022

Fauci, CDC and FDA: "If you don't take duh jab you gonna DIE!" In that case everyone in Haiti should be dead

Haiti is an abysmally poor country.  As a result, it's reported that just 1.4% of Haitians have taken the non-vaccine "vax" for duh Chyna virus.

To repeat, just one point four percent have been jabbed.  So with that, and primitive health care for all citizens who aren't government, if Fauci and the CDC are right, you'd think Haiti would have been devastated by the virus by now, eh?

Take a look at the graph below.  It compares deaths per million residents for five countries: the U.S., U.K., France, Canada and...Haiti.  (It's a bit confusing because due to stupidity the colors chosen for the U.K. and Haiti are almost identical.) (You might be able to blow it up by clicking.)

As you see, Haiti had almost no covid deaths. It's almost on the horizontal axis.  I haven't been able to confirm the graph's accuracy, but if it's even in the ballpark, what does it mean?

One obvious explanation is that contra to Fauci and the FDA and CDC, the so-called "vaccine" is NOT reducing the death rate.

Of course there are also other possible explanations: First, almost no one with any sense wants to visit Haiti, so the number of infected people arriving there would have been extremely low.  Of course another possibility is that Haitians have extraordinarily good immune systems.  

That's worth investigating--but of course no one will, because the people running the plandemic want this graph--and the data behind it--to vanish.  Because IF it's even close to accurate, it almost certainly shows that the "vax" isn't helping.

Nah, that couldn't be true--because that would mean...  Nah, couldn't be true.

Kidding, of course.  It's true, and the data will eventually be so overwhelming that only the most dim-witted folks will be able to ignore it.

The first clue was that the AVERAGE age of death "with" covid in the U.S. was greater than the average lifespan.  But you didn't hear that, eh?  Gosh, that's...odd.  Such a hugely-revealing, significant bit of data.  If everything was honest, you'd think the Media would have kept telling you about that, eh?

So I guess that figure must be wrong too, huh.  Cuz if not it would mean...  Nah, must be wrong.

When are Americans ever gonna wake up about this?




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