April 16, 2022

When Dems declared "health care is a basic human right," prices went exponential. Now they've declared "Housing is....

Back in 2008 Democrats decreed that healthcare was a "basic human right."  Two years later *every Democrat in congress* voted for a bill that would end up driving the cost of healthcare into the stratosphere.

That bill--which passed without a single Republican vote--was widely known as "Obamacare" since Obozo promised voters that a) if you liked your insurance and your doctor, you could keep both; and b) "the average family will save $2,500 per year."

The bill itself covered at least 1,200 pages, and no one had a chance to read it before the Dems ruling congress brought it to the floor for a vote.  This outrage didn't bother the Dems in the slightest: The unbelievably corrupt Nancy Pelosi was captured on video infamously saying "We have to pass the bill to see what's in it."

Seriously, she actually said that--knowing cameras were rolling.  What a moron!  And yet the morons in her district kept electing her!

Now, having driven the cost of health insurance and health care through the roof, Democrats have moved on to the next sector of the economy they're determined to destroy: Housing.

They've started the seige the same way they began destroying health care: by claiming housing is "a basic human right."  The black female Porridgebrain selected to run the Department of Housing and Urban Development--Marcia Fudge--just made it official:

    “If we are to fully achieve justice in housing, we must fully accept what that means,” Fudge said in an address to the National Low Income Housing Coalition policy forum, a virtual event about affordable housing. “Justice in housing is everyone realizing the fundamental truth—housing is a human right.”

Fudge uses the word “justice” in the sense one of George Orwell's characters in "1984" would have, meaning injustice. Democrats’ idea of “justice” is that you and your parents are forced--under threat of going to prison if you refuse--to "give" Democrat voters who want one a house or apartment at no cost to that beneficiary.  Because "equity."

Perhaps you think that in making her claim, Fudge doesn’t speak for Porridgebrain and the rest of the Dems.  Except Fudge isn't the first Democrat to take this step into straightforward Marxism.

In the 2020 Dem presidential primary the platforms of several Dem candidates, including former housing secretary Julián Castro and the brain-trust known as Kamala Harris, said housing was a basic human right--meaning taxpayers should be forced to provide housing to everyone who wanted housing.  

So what do you think would happen if the gruberment gave all its supporters a "free" home?  Easy:  the economy would go into hyperinflation, as the government would bid up the price of homes to fulfill its new policy of giving homes to every Dem voter.

"Wait, why would a regime want hyperinflation?  That doesn't make sense, so it must not be true."

Wrong:  Democrats don't think hyperinflation is a likely outcome of their policies--and wouldn't care if it was, since hyperinflation destroys the value of savings and thus destroys the middle-class.  A nation without a middle-class is ripe for socialism.  So to Dems, hyperinflation is not a bug but a feature.

If you doubt that Democrat "leaders" want to wreck the economy, to create a crisis they can exploit to seize more power (just like covid), consider that the financial collapse of 2008--which swept Obama into the presidency--was caused by the Democrats claiming that blacks would join the middle-class *if the government would just put them in middle-class homes.*

If that doesn't immediately strike you as faulty reasoning, read it again.

So the Left *demanded* that banks give home loans to people who would never have qualified for them under existing rules, because "racial equity."  Democrats screeched that banks that declined to give huge home loans to people who had no job, no income and no assets was raacist.  They denounced it as "redlining.”

And as you probably guessed, Republicans were afraid to vote against this insane, destructive plan, cuz they knew the Media and the Left would accuse 'em of raaaaaaaacism.  So it passed under Bill Clinton, and was renewed even when G.W. Bush was president, since Dems controlled congress.

Congress then completed the scam--ensuring the disaster that indeed followed--by writing rules that allowed banks to sell any loans they didn't like to the two federal home-load giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  Relieved of having to take any loss for bad loans, the banks eagerly wrote as many loans as possible, collecting fat fees, knowing they could unload the bad ones to the feds (i.e. taxpayers)!  Which is exactly what happened.

You'd think the Democrat "leaders" might have learned from experience that slanting the normal rules of good banking to favor unqualified borrowers would lead to disaster.  After the so-called "mortgage meltdown" of 2008, the stupidity should have been obvious.

Yet here we are again, with the Dems determined to "solve" the housing problem by simply giving their supporters "free" housing.

It isn't that the Dem "leaders" don't learn, it's that they learn very well — that by claiming their party wants to "give" "free" homes to supporters, they generate a huge number of Dem votes, meaning the Dems win power.  If that policy triggers hyperinflation and destroys the economy, the Dems will claim their policies--often rammed through without a single GOP vote, like Obamacare--had nothing to do with the disaster.

And the corrupt Mainstream Media will echo the Dem lie.

In other words Dems win, regardless.  Sweet.


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