April 11, 2022

$30 million in anonymous donations from foreign donors to one party: Should be front-page news, eh?

Suppose that a major NYC newspaper reported that in 2016 a Florida university had opened a "Trump Center for Global Engagement."  And suppose the paper went on to report that "records show" that donors in Russia had donated, oh, say, $54.6 million to that new "center'--with $30 million of those donations from anonymous Russian sources.

How do you think the rest of the Mainstream Media would react?

They'd be screaming, howling for blood.  Demanding immediate investigations, "special counsels," congressional subpoenas.  The story would lead ever alphabet-network "news" broadcast for the rest of the year.  Every revealed tidbit about the story would be in four-inch-tall headlines on all the Mainstream newspapers.  You KNOW that's what would happen.  

And if you've read this blog a few times you already know what's about to happen:  Sure: "Now suppose all the roles were reversed, and that an Ivy-league school had opened a "Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement."  And that over the next two years that "Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement" had received $30 million in donations--from anonymous Chinese donors.  And that over four years donations totalled $54.6 million--the bulk of that sum from China."

NOW how do you think the Mainstream Media will react?

They won't.  For the first month they'll totally ignore the story, hoping voters won't hear about it.  Then if the story still manages to go viral they'll claim "Dis not real!  Dis FAKE NEWS!  Dis 'Russian disinformation!" just like they did with the story about Hunter Biden's laptop.

This is why the United States as you knew it is dead, dead, dead:  The Mainstream Media lie shamelessly to advance the Democrat party, even if it kills the country.

Which it has.



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