April 09, 2022

Consumer confidence survey says voters think economy is bad. But a Dem strategist says it don't mean squat

A regular "consumer confidence survey" by the University of Michigan recently showed that almost 70 percent of Americans think the economy is in poor shape.  Meanwhile 81 percent of respondents in a poll released by CNBC see a recession coming this year.

“The big run-up in gas and food and home prices has really caused great hardship for many households,” said Richard Curtin, a veteran economist who has run the University of Michigan consumer survey for 46 years. “And the Biden administration made a critical error in saying it would be transient and people should just tough it out. It wasn’t transient, and it caused a big loss of confidence in [Biden’s] policies.”

Normally that would be really bad news for the Dems.  However, CBS has interviewed a respected Democrat strategist who thinks the polls are wrong.

"Deez two pols don' mean nuffin.  Duh Democrats gon' do WAY bettah den doze polls show!  Yep yep yep!  Deeze polls don' mean nuffin.  Don't mattah dat dey ben' doin' dis fo' 46 year, don' mean jack.  Duh Dems gon' do REAL gud in Novembah.  Yew remembah dat I done tol' ya."

"See, in duh mid-term elections duh preznit's party always lose seats in congress.  Dat normal.  But dis year don't be surprised if duh Dems only lose a couple of seats.  Cuz duh voters REALLY like Biden n' Harris n' all dere policies!  Yep yep yep! Maybe one or two polls say duh voters don't like, but hey, what do dey know, eh?  Polls don' mean jack.  Only mattah whut duh vote total say nex' day.  Or maybe tree, fo' day later, after all duh mail-in ballots be counted."

"So you don' be surprised if duh Dems do WAY bettah den one or two of doze polls say.  You dig?"

Source: the leftwing rag Politico



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