April 09, 2022

Watch as CBS "news" devotes 15 minutes of prime-time to denying that Hunter Biden's laptop is real and authentic

Mosrt Americans work so hard to keep their family fed and to pay the rent or mortgage that they don't have time to pay attention to what's actually going on in this country.

That's why I'm here.

You've all forgotten that after the gutsy New York Post published its front-page story about Hunter Biden's laptop, the Lying Mainstream swung into full Democrat-defense mode, circling the wagons to defend Porridgebrain against the 30,000 emails it contained showing brazen corruption by Hunter Biden.

Watch this video from CBS News claiming that Hunter Biden's laptop "could have been" "Russian disinformation."  "Oh sure," says the crack addict, "It's possible someone hacked my email account.  It's possible someone stole my laptop."  Okay, but are the emails real?  

Ah, have you noticed that the CBS propagandist doesn't ask that?  Cuz they don't want voters to see the crack addict squirm.  Stick with the script, y'all.  Let the crack-head read his lines, then you nod and let voters get the subliminal signal that you agree with his bullshit non-denial denials.

But NOW...17 months too late, after the election...both the NY Slimes and the WaPo have admitted that the emails on the laptop ARE authentic.  Which means...uh...um...uh..."we don' know what dat mean.  Dat don't mean nuffin.  Emails?  What emails?  See, duh Rethuglicans make up dem emails jus' like dey made 'em up about duh wunnerful Hilliary!  But it all fake!  Dis stuff where duh Times an' duh Post be talkin 'bout 'authentication' n/ sheeit, dat jus' be white supremacy, big fake news."

Yeah.  You bet. 

Thanks, Democrats.  You've destroyed this nation, utterly and completely, beyond hope of recovery.

I hope you have children, and grandchildren.  And I hope they live long enough to curse your names as they suffer under communism.  Cuz that's exactly what we're about to get.

Of course y'all don't believe that.  I understand.  But listen to folks who have lived under communism, cuz they've seen all this before.  They know what's happening.  You don't. 

But you will.  And your children will.



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