April 16, 2022

Hang onto your billfolds: Bidenfail's head of HUD claims "Housing is a basic human right"

When Democrats DECLARE that something is "a basic human right," you can be sure the gruberment is getting ready to give a shit-ton of your tax dollares to their base to enable their voters to "exercise that RIGHT."

SO...You're a well-informed American, right?  So surely you know who the person below is, eh?

US HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge stands in front of a podium that reads  

The person above is Marcia Fudge, named by Porridgebrain to run "HUD"-- the department of "Housing and Urban Development"--current budget $32.6 BILLION.  In other words, she's a member of Porridgebrain's "cabinet"--people you'd think would be chosen from the most competent, intelligent and honest people in the country, eh?

If you believe that, I've got some fabulous oceanfront property in Arizona I can sell you, cheap!

But since Porridgebrain is a Democrat, he's chosen most if not all of cabinet (i.e. heads of government agencies with multi-billion-dollar budgets) on the basis of sex, color and eagerness to follow the party line.  Fudge checks all of those boxes, having been a Dem congresscreep from 2008 until Porridge named her Secretary of HUD.  

Fudge was elected to "represent" a carefully-drawn district with almost all black residents. Following the death of the previous black rep in 2008, Fudge ran unopposed in the special election to replace her.  

Ran unopposed, ya say?  Sweet.  Automatic election to a lifetime post.  Only way you'd give that up would be if you got chosen for an even more lucrative position, like running an outfit with a budget of $32.6 BILLION.

So...this former head of the "congressional black caucus" has now declared that "housing is a basic human right."  And if you're a young American you're thinking "Sure, that seems totally reasonable!  Every person on earth is entitled to housing, food, medical care and free drugs, right?  It's just, like, you know, totally reasonable!"  I mean, it's written right there in the Constitution, right?  Article III, secton 2, right?

Wait, y'say that's NOT in the Constitution?  Well surely the Founders meant for that to be there, right?

Congratulations, you're a Democrat.  Cuz all that supposedly "free" stuff?  It actually has to be paid for by...someone.  And if your parents are middle-class, guess who pays?  Your parents.

And when you start paying taxes, you'll be doing the same--paying for all that stuff Democrats claim is a "basic human right: that everyone should get "for free."  

Last year about 40 million "households" paid fed income tax.  That means that if your parents paid income tax, on average they paid about $750 just toward the $32.6 BILLION spent by HUD this year. 

But you're fine with that, right?  And when you add the cost of "free" food, "free" housing, "free" medical care and plain ol' cash paid to folks who don't work, you're looking at your parents, on average, paying something like $10,000 every year to support gruberment programs that buy votes from Dem voters.

But you're fine with that, right?  After all, all that stuff is supposedly (at least according to Marcie Fudge and the rest of the Dem "leaders") a "basic human right," eh?



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