April 16, 2022

Playwright who was a Leftist for decades suddenly discovers...sanity

For decades playwright David Mamet was a committed leftist.  For some reason he opened his eyes.  Here's an edited version of what he suddenly realized:

Over the last two years I’ve witnessed in America the forces of evil.  Fully half the population has embraced corruption, blasphemy and absurdity as normal and reasonable.

Does anyone really believe men can become women and women can become men--which then allows the absurdists to claim men can give birth?  But amazingly, half the public seems to accept that absurdity.

Half of Americans seem to believe the Earth is fatally warming, causing the oceans to rise faster than at any time in recorded history; that porus cotton masks will block a virus that's a hundred times smaller than the pores; that printing trillions of dollars in paper money doesn't cause massive inflation.

None of these things are logical. These proclamations--by so-called "elites" who know nothing at all about atomospheric physics or virology or economics--are nothing more than an act of faith, in which the believer shows his or her virtue by how loudly he or she proclaims allegiance to those claims.

It's like a religious oath.

Your rulers demand that you wear a mask--but don’t wear a mask themselves.

They scream that the seas are rising--while they build mansions on the shore.

They scream that burning fossil fuels is killing the planet--as they fly exclusively in private jets.  

Their utter hypocrisy should be obvious to everyone, yet half of Americans are scared to call out the hypocrites. Why?

Because challenging any of these moronic beliefs can get you fired.

Now the question is:  Are there enough Americans who are angry about this to stand up to the tyrannical Left? 
Thanks, David.  Welcome to the world of rational beings.


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