April 09, 2022

US military Doc says bosses ordered her to 'cover up' vax injuries

If you were to learn that a military doctor testified that she was ordered by bosses to conceal the number of vaccine injuries, what would you conclude?

Leftists/Dems: "Dis not true!  Neva happen!  Dis bees 'Russian disinformation'!  Right-wing scare story!  Screech!  Squeal!  You be Raaaacists!"

Yeah, we get it:  Leftist/Dem morons refuse to believe any branch of duh gruberment would evah order subordinates to lie to keep from harming the Dem regime, eh? 

What if you learned the doctor said this in court, under oath--and penalty of perjury?  So if the doctor is shown to have given false testimony, it's a jail term.  (Well, unless you're Bill Clinton, who lied under oath (i.e. perjury) but wasn't penalized at all, cuz...two different sets of laws, citizen.  Get used to it. 

Dr. Theresa Long, medical officer with the United States military, has testified in court that after the Biden regime ordered every member of the U.S. armed forces to take the vax, she was ordered by a superior to cover up injuries that were apparently caused by the vaccine. 

She also testified that the night before the hearing a high level officer ordered her not to discuss her findings in court. 

Nevertheless, the next day Dr. Long testified that the real data show that deaths of military members shortly after taking the vaccine exceeded deaths from COVID itself.  Cuz as was already well-known when bidenfail issued his murderous ORDER, mortality from duh China/Fauci virus among young, physically-fit people is damn near zero.  And members of the armed forces are among the most fit people in the country, second only to athletes.

Of course Joe's handlers knew that, but had him issue the ORDER anyway. 

But don't worry, citizen, cuz Biden's DoD offered a convincing, scientific rebuttal to Dr. Long’s testimony:  DoD lawyers said the higher number of injuries the doctor claimed happened right after getting the jab was due to (are you ready?)...a “glitch in the database.”

If that's true, it should be easy for the DoD to show us exactly how this alleged "glitch in the database" occurred, right?  I mean, they claim that's the explanation, so unless they're lying they've identified it, and can show us the faulty code, eh?

Of course they won't do that because there is no "glitch."  It's a typical bullshit attempt to cover their ass.

Question: IF, as Fauci and biden and the CDC and FDA keep screaming, duh vax is so totally safe, why would anyone need to suppress data showing the full extent of injuries arguably caused by the jab, eh?  Why not release the full, honest numbers?

After all, everyone (well, every rational Republican, and one or two Democrats) knows almost every vaccine causes injury in a small fraction of people who take it.  So why not release the full, honest numbers, eh?

Simple: All high-level gruberment lackeys are totally dedicated to their careers, meaning that you'll do anything to keep duh bidenfail regime from looking bad or stupid or incompetent or destructive.  In this case, Porridgebrain's ORDER that virtually every working American--including members of the armed forces--had to take the jab was utterly dumb and incompetent...so all evidence suggesting the true extent of deaths and injuries had to be concealed.

This is PRECISELY why the corrupt CDC ordered that all deaths occurring within 14 days of someone getting the jab were NOT to be counted as "vaccine deaths."

Seriously, that's the CDC rule for counting "deaths among vaccinated people."  So anyone who dropped dead a day after being forced to take the jab?  NOT counted.

Six hours after taking the jab?  Of course:  NOT counted.

A week after?  Sure, you got it.

So what was the scientific basis for excluding those deaths, eh?

There was no scientific basis.  The CDC issue that RULE to make the "official" number of vax deaths a LOT smaller--which it obviously does.

If we had an honest media, every reporter would be asking that incompetent Rochelle Walensky "Your agency has ORDERED that deaths occurring within 14 days of vaccination are not counted as 'deaths among vaccinated people.'  So if someone dies a day or two after taking the jab, you don't count it. What is the scientific basis for refusing to count deaths within 14 days as being at least arguably due to the jab?"

But of course, 99% of so-called "reporters" are carrying water for the regime, so will never ask that question.  And Walensky (and every other regime lackey) will never call on an honest reporter.

Man, what a scam.  Ten years from now--once Americans have forgotten which party caused all this death and economic disaster--people will be writing books laying out what was actually known about all this, and when.  Of course by then it will be ancient history to young voters, just like the attacks of 9/11.

(Young Democrat in 2032: "What are you talking about?  Did Bush attack some poor, defenseless nation on that date?  What nation did he attack?  Russia?")



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