April 15, 2022

California introduces bill that could yank medical license of any doctor who openly disagrees with state about covid

One of the ways totalitarian dictators control dissent is by writing vague laws--that is, laws that criminalize behavior like "encouraging counter-revolutionary behavior," or "encouraging anti-government thinking."  Or "unprofessional conduct."

The criteria for being found "guilty" of breaking such vague laws are obviously far too subjective to be honest.  That's why there is a long-held provision in U.S. law that vague laws are unConstitutional.

If you don't understand the two 'grafs above, you might as well stop reading.

Of course the Left (Democrat party) LOVES such laws, since they can be used as a weapon to imprison or impoverish dissent.  So it won't surprise you to see that Democrat legislators in the Peoples' Republic of California have introduced a bill-- AB 2098, "Physicians and surgeons: unprofessional conduct"--that declares that any doctor who "disseminates or promotes misinformation or disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus" shall be deemed guilty of "unprofessional conduct" and thus subject to loss of medical license.

Text of the bill:  It shall constitute unprofessional conduct for a physician and surgeon to disseminate or promote misinformation or disinformation related to COVID-19, including false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.

Ah.  So how do the moronic Democrat lawmakers define "misinformation and disinformation"?

It's anything the state or federal government disagrees with. 

Ah.  So the Democrat dictators are working on a law that says that if one claims "Masks are useless against the viruse" you can lose your medical license.

Roll that around in your mind for a bit.  For Cali Democrats (who are just like all the others), any doctor who dares to utter a word that contradicts the dumbshit legislators and their hired toadies on the inviolable, settled "science" of covid can lose their income.  Hmmm....

And the bastard legislators will CLAIM that this does NOT violate the First Amendment (which Porridgebrain claims is "not absolute" anyway), because the Cali assholes aren't "congress"--which is what the Constitution limits.

Of course there's a long-known principle called the Supremacy Clause, which says any state law that violates Fed law gets struck down.  But that depends on a court doing its job, and we've seen that the judges simply won't tackle anything the Democrats support.


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