April 05, 2022

Now that more polls are showing voters oppose letting men compete in womens' sports, will Dems reverse position?

The leaders of the Democrat Party--being completely "woke" 'n all--are totally committed to letting men claiming to be female to compete against girls in womens' sports.  They are so totally committed that even the self-proclaimed "National Organization for (liberal) Women (only)" is totally silent on this obvious travesty.

Honest polls--which you never see--have shown for months that a substantial majority of voters think the Dem policy is utterly ghastly, but the Dems haven't paid any attention to those polls because those polls weren't taken by Dem pollsters, thus were automatically rejected by "elites" and wokies.  But now, as even polls by "approved" organizations are showing a majority opposed to this cherished Dem policy, the Dems are faced with a dilemma: Can they do a complete about-face without being totally ridiculed?

Wait, I hear some of you saying "That's impossible--they'd be laughed out of town!"

I see you just arrived on this planet.  Do enjoy your stay!  Cuz the Dems did exactly that same reversal when every one of 'em screamed "We need to DEFUND THE POLICE" after George Floyd's fentanyl death, kept that up for a year but then when polling showed this was massively unpopular, now bidenfail has actually said he supports MORE money for cops.  And not a single reporter said "Hey, isn't that the exact opposite of what your party was screaming for just a few months ago?"

So...expect the Dems to drop their *public* demands that males calling themselves women be allowed to compete against women in sports--at least until after the midterm election.  What they will NOT drop is their support for schools to encourage 15-year-olds to go transgender, without notifying parents.  Reason is that this issue doesn't scream "unfair" like men competing against girls in sports does.

But most Dems will still support both Dem policies, because they agree with the Party that parents who aren't totally woke are terrorists who shouldn't be allowed to have any say in what goes on in schools.


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