May 07, 2020

Six states will likely decide the presidential election

The LA Times says the presidential election will be decided by 6 states:
   North Carolina

In 2016 Trump won all those states against Hillary Clinton.  But with Pennsylvania having a Dem governor and having instituted 100 percent vote-by-mail, that state will probably go to the Democrat.

Wisconsin has also switched to a Democrat governor, meaning the potential for massive vote fraud just increased hugely.

In 2016 Trump won Michigan by just 11,000 votes--out of 4.5 million cast.  In normally-Dem-voting Wisconsin Trump won by just seven-tenths of one percent!  Think the Dems are gonna be prepared to overcome such small margins this time?

In fact a shift of just 75,000 total votes in three states would have resulted in Hilliary being president.  Dems are well aware of this, and know that if this year's election is like 2016 they only have to manufacture that many fraudulent votes to win those states.

Of course many Americans hazily imagine that if conclusive evidence of massive vote fraud was found, the Supreme Court would set aside the results and have a second election.  Wouldn't happen, no matter how compelling the evidence was.  The court would find a way to rationalize "too much trouble, too much uncertainty, court doesn't want to overturn the will of..." et cetera.

Conservatives need to understand that even though vote fraud is against the law, there is effectively no penalty for it.  And Dem pols and poll workers know this.


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