Unbelievable: FBI finally forced to reveal internal notes showing they broke numerous laws
While virtually every bit of ludicrously-misnamed "news" is about the Chinese virus and the devastating destruction of our once-fabulous economy, something really big has happened. You almost certainly didn't hear about it, cuz the Lying Mainstream Media wants this event to vanish...because it exposes the total, blatant corruption of Obama's FBI and DOJ at the highest levels.
Of course you can't believe the damn FBI--endlessly praised by the Media as "the nation's top law-enforcement agency"--would break the law, eh? Cuz aren't they supposedly, um..."the top law-enforcement agency in the U.S."? How could what's praised as the...um..."top law-enforcement agency in the country" break not just one law, but dozens?
If that strikes you as impossible, read on.
You may remember a 3-star general named Mike Flynn, who was Trump's first pick to be his National Security Advisor. The FBI devised a scheme to pressure Flynn into helping them torpedo Trump, by charging Flynn with lying to the FBI. The FBI knew their charges against Flynn were bogus--their own records say so--but nevertheless they persisted in their scheme, bankrupting him and getting him fired.
The new development comes thanks to Flynn's new attorneys, who have gotten a federal judge to force the FBI to release internal documents that clearly show the agency's brazen violations of several U.S. laws. Specifically:
The story at the link below confirms every point above. It's pretty long, and not one person out of ten-thousand will bother reading it, let alone understand it. But you should at least take a look, because you're looking at the proof that the Dems have been lying outrageously for the past 3 years.
Of course you can't believe the damn FBI--endlessly praised by the Media as "the nation's top law-enforcement agency"--would break the law, eh? Cuz aren't they supposedly, um..."the top law-enforcement agency in the U.S."? How could what's praised as the...um..."top law-enforcement agency in the country" break not just one law, but dozens?
If that strikes you as impossible, read on.
You may remember a 3-star general named Mike Flynn, who was Trump's first pick to be his National Security Advisor. The FBI devised a scheme to pressure Flynn into helping them torpedo Trump, by charging Flynn with lying to the FBI. The FBI knew their charges against Flynn were bogus--their own records say so--but nevertheless they persisted in their scheme, bankrupting him and getting him fired.
The new development comes thanks to Flynn's new attorneys, who have gotten a federal judge to force the FBI to release internal documents that clearly show the agency's brazen violations of several U.S. laws. Specifically:
- Internal texts show that corrupt FBI agent Peter Strzok illegally changed the notes made by the agents who interviewed Flynn, to make Flynn appear guilty. Again, this is illegal. Interview notes are official records and it's illegal to alter them. Surely you can understand why.
- The FBI threatened Flynn that if he didn't plead guilty to what they demanded, the agency would charge his son with a bogus crime. That's illegal. Flynn made a deal with the agency to plead guilty to "lying to the FBI" to save his son.
- Internal notes show that the FBI knew threatening the son to get Flynn to plead was illegal, so they conspired to hide the offer, and refused to turn over evidence of the illegal pressure to his attorneys.
- The law requires that the government turn over ALL exculpatory evidence to the defendant. The FBI deliberately didn't. Obviously that's illegal.
- Finally, back in February of 2018--over two years ago--the federal judge hearing this case ordered the FBI and Mueller teams to comply with the law noted above, and to turn over ALL relevant notes and documents to the defense. A Democrat asshole dictator named Brandon Van Grack made numerous filings to the court stating that the government had complied with this order, though he knew this was a lie. That's perjury. If you or I lied in formal filings to a court, we'd be guilty of perjury and would be jailed. But all the bad folks at the FBI and DOJ knew they could lie without consequence, because they know the rest of the corrupt actors will protect them from prosecution.
The story at the link below confirms every point above. It's pretty long, and not one person out of ten-thousand will bother reading it, let alone understand it. But you should at least take a look, because you're looking at the proof that the Dems have been lying outrageously for the past 3 years.
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