May 05, 2020

Brazen hypocrisy of Dem mayors and governors: "I can do anything I want, but you have to stay home"

Tucker Carlson is far and away the best analyst in the media.  In looking at how state governors reacted to the virus, he (and many of us) is struck by two things:  First, the arbitrary seizure of total power, and suspension of virtually all civil rights for "ordinary" people--rights normally guararanteed in the Constitution.

Second is the utter hypocrisy of governors and other officials, who brazenly violate the harsh rules they've imposed on the rest of us.  Witness Chitcongo mayor Lori Lightfoot--a communist--who decided that since "my personal hygiene is very important to me," decided to go to her hairdresser.

Small problem: that's one of the vast list of businesses the communist mayor ordered shut down.

Hey, no problem:  'I'm da mayor and I'm important--as she puts it, 'I'm the face of this administration'--so I can do this.  But you can't.  Tough shit.  Cuz I'm important and you ain't.' 

Same with the governor of Illinois, J.B. Pritzker:  While he'd ordered "ordinary people" to stay locked in their homes, his wife took a pleasure trip to another state.  A reporter asked him about this, and rather than admit it, he said he wouldn't comment.  Caught in utter double-standard, blatant hypocrisy, he simply refused to comment.


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