May 05, 2020

How did state governors get the power to shut all businesses and order you to stay home?

More on how Democrat governors have use the lockdown to take away your rights, while doing the things you'll be fined and jailed for doing.

Watch as Tucker Carlson explains what's been happening.  And in particular, note how the socialist American Civil Liberties Union (the ACLU) has sided with totalitarian governors instead of defending your civil liberty.

Also note how cunningly Michigan's totalitarian governor, Democrat Gretchen Whitmer, implies that demonstrators who massed at that state's capitol were carrying "Confederate flags, nooses, swastikas."  They were not.  Whitmer simply implied it, falsely, knowing that 99 percent of listeners would never know the truth.  Check the inset pic below before you start the video.  See any of what Whitmer implied?  But by smearing the demonstrators she cloaks herself in apparent righteousness.

Typical of totalitarians everywhere.

Now, Tucker does a great job, but in wondering how the pols got the totalitarian power they're now using, he misses a point or two, and it's important:

Virtually every state has either a provision in its constitution, or has passed a law, giving its governor virtually unlimited power to deal with an emergency.  The governor is empowered to declare a "state of emergency" without consulting anyone, and only the governor can declare the "emergency" over.  No doubt this seemed like a reasonable thing at the time, since the legislators who passed the law or inserted the provision in their constitution assumed their governor would act reasonably and responsibly.

You don't need anyone to point out that this, of course, is wishful thinking.

If people want to avoid the gross violation of civil liberties that have characterized the response of most governors to the Chinese virus, they should pressure their legislators to change their law or constitution to provide that a "state of emergency" can be proposed by the governor but would only become effective if approved by a majority of the legislators.

Of course this won't happen, because once the lockdown has finally been lifted in most states, people will quickly forget all the devastation caused by the declarations of emergency decreed by their governors.

All will be forgotten.  Until next time.

And there will be a next time.  You can absolutely count on it. 


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