May 07, 2020

Democrat congressman joins his party's howl for "vote by mail"--but just to keep you safe, citizen

Obama's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, tipped the hand of his boss's regime when he said
"Never let a good crisis go to waste."
Not surprisingly, Democrat leaders found a great crisis in the Chinese virus, and are determined to turn the crisis to their advantage.  One of the many cunning ways is to DEMAND "vote by mail" for the November election--"only as a health measure, because of the virus, citizen!  Cuz we're all about keeping you safe, citizen!"

Anyone with at least an average IQ easily sees that "vote by mail" has a huge potential for massive fraud.  Democrat leaders salivate over the possibility, because they're masters at pulling off election fraud.

The Hill is a Democrat-run, Dem-supporting rag.  Two days ago the Hill published a piece by one of the darlings of the Dem party, congresscreep Joe Kennedy, pushing for vote-by-mail.  You need to read it.  The logic is so clear--'the only reason we want this is just to keep you healthy.  Really!'--that every Dem voter (and a few million conservatives) will support it.

Check out the guy's "logic::
If we don’t act fast, we will jeopardize participation in what may be the most important election of our lifetime. People will stay home. Disproportionately, those people will be of color, who live in neighborhoods most likely to lose polling locations. They’ll be students, single parents, and low-wage workers, who can’t put their lives on hold to go vote.
Ah, I see: Taking two hours off to vote is "putting your life on hold."  Seriously?
They’ll be seniors and medically-vulnerable patients, who would be literally risking their lives just to cast their ballots. So a privileged few will get to decide our country’s trajectory while the people most impacted by this crisis are forced to forfeit their voice.
Of course as the congressman well knows, the elderly and sick can already request an absentee ballot, but he also knows that by implying that the ONLY way to protect these vulnerable people is to adopt his party's scheme, it helps convince people to support it.

And you have to love the craftsmanship in the emotional phrase "are forced to forfeit their voice."

Of course instituting nationwide vote-by-mail would require congress to pass a law, which would only take effect if signed by the president.  Normally this wouldn't happen with Trump as president, but the Dems are cunning, and will get around this by slipping vote-by-mail into page 879 of some must-pass bill, like funding the military or Social Security or "food stamps."

That's my prediction, anyway.  But hey, who pays attention to some blogger in flyover country, eh?


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