Leftists and Mainstream Media have started censoring ideas about Chinese virus that stray from The Narrative
Matt Taibbi has a good piece about the huge push by Democrats and their media allies to keep the nation under lockdown, and to use Chinese-level censorship to prevent anyone from posting any thoughts on the Chines virus if it strays from the W.H.O's party line.
As governors ordered workers to stay locked at home, the Mainstream Media, the Democratic Party, every professor, show-business celebrities and masses of "experts" on Twatter became even more united by their hate for Trump, and in their fury toward anyone who dissented with their pronouncements.
The Only Important Thing to these people became removing Trump, by any means available. They decided there was no legitimate excuse for allowing dissenting opinions to reach the public. So they conspired with Fakebook and Twatter to "de-platform" anyone brave enough to post a dissenting opinion.
As the Chinese virus began to kill more Americans, the dreams of the Left and Media were finally realized: They could now dictate what everyone else was permitted to do, without fear of contradiction--because failure to obey their commands was now equated to murder.
Pure communism had arrived! Failure to take elite advice was no longer just a deplorable faux pas. Not obeying the orders of "experts" was now murder. It could not be tolerated. Media coverage quickly became a single, floridly-written tirade against "expertise-deniers." (The sneering, pejorative term "science deniers" had already been grabbed by Global Warmies.)
For instance, when the Republican governor of Georgia announced that he was lifting some of the lockdown commands, leftist rag The Atlantic headlined the story, "Georgia's Experiment in Human Sacrifice."
Then the Left raised their aggression to a new level: the world's biggest "social media" platforms -- Fakebook and Twatter -- announced that they would begin deleting posts containing a single idea that strayed from the decrees of the World Health Organization.
They said they were doing this "to combat fraud and misinformation" about the Chinese virus. But this decree also prevented new information from reaching the public.
It also made the Lying Mainstream Media the sole source of "information" [read: propaganda] about the Chinese virus.
Wow, do ya think that was just a happy coincidence or what?
As a result, Americans have been banned from debating possible solutions, because only one side is heard. Instead of being able to have a rational debate on whether hydroxychloroquine is helpful, or if the less restrictive Swedish crisis response has merit, or questioning whether stats about the seriousness of the crisis are fake, we’re denouncing the questions themselves as not permitted.
Politico ran a story titled "Conservative Americans see coronavirus hope in Progressive Sweden," as if only conservatives should feel optimism in the possibility that a non-lockdown approach might have merit! Are we rooting for such an approach to not work?
Taibbi's piece is far longer and worth reading.
As governors ordered workers to stay locked at home, the Mainstream Media, the Democratic Party, every professor, show-business celebrities and masses of "experts" on Twatter became even more united by their hate for Trump, and in their fury toward anyone who dissented with their pronouncements.
The Only Important Thing to these people became removing Trump, by any means available. They decided there was no legitimate excuse for allowing dissenting opinions to reach the public. So they conspired with Fakebook and Twatter to "de-platform" anyone brave enough to post a dissenting opinion.
As the Chinese virus began to kill more Americans, the dreams of the Left and Media were finally realized: They could now dictate what everyone else was permitted to do, without fear of contradiction--because failure to obey their commands was now equated to murder.
Pure communism had arrived! Failure to take elite advice was no longer just a deplorable faux pas. Not obeying the orders of "experts" was now murder. It could not be tolerated. Media coverage quickly became a single, floridly-written tirade against "expertise-deniers." (The sneering, pejorative term "science deniers" had already been grabbed by Global Warmies.)
For instance, when the Republican governor of Georgia announced that he was lifting some of the lockdown commands, leftist rag The Atlantic headlined the story, "Georgia's Experiment in Human Sacrifice."
Then the Left raised their aggression to a new level: the world's biggest "social media" platforms -- Fakebook and Twatter -- announced that they would begin deleting posts containing a single idea that strayed from the decrees of the World Health Organization.
They said they were doing this "to combat fraud and misinformation" about the Chinese virus. But this decree also prevented new information from reaching the public.
It also made the Lying Mainstream Media the sole source of "information" [read: propaganda] about the Chinese virus.
Wow, do ya think that was just a happy coincidence or what?
As a result, Americans have been banned from debating possible solutions, because only one side is heard. Instead of being able to have a rational debate on whether hydroxychloroquine is helpful, or if the less restrictive Swedish crisis response has merit, or questioning whether stats about the seriousness of the crisis are fake, we’re denouncing the questions themselves as not permitted.
Politico ran a story titled "Conservative Americans see coronavirus hope in Progressive Sweden," as if only conservatives should feel optimism in the possibility that a non-lockdown approach might have merit! Are we rooting for such an approach to not work?
Taibbi's piece is far longer and worth reading.
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