May 10, 2020

Another darling of the Mainstream Media goes down: secret testimony shows she lied every time

Evelyn Farkas served in the Obama administration, in the Pentagon, as the deputy assistant secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia from 2012 through 2015.

That's high-level position, so when the Lying Mainstream Media learned--somehow, mysteriously--that Farkas claimed to have "direct evidence" that the Trump campaign had "colluded with Russia," they immediately put her on the air to make that claim--over and over again.

Farkas appeared on various Mainstream Media TV "news" shows 47 times to make that claim.

Finally, after the transcripts of her secret testimony before the House Intelligence committee--where she could be charged with perjury for lying--we now have her own admission that she was lying the entire time.

Obama Defense Official Evelyn Farkas on CNN a dozen times:  I have Direct Evidence of Trump campaign colluding with Russia!!

Evelyn Farkas in secret testimony, under oath, before Adam Schiff-ruled committee:  I never had any evidence, direct or otherwise.  I just "felt like" there must have been collusion.

It's fascinating to read the transcript of her testimony, seeing her trying to rationalize her repeated claims in dozens of TV interviews that she had "direct evidence of collusion," when GOP reps asked her "And what, specifically, WAS that evidence?"

On MSNBC Farkas said "Not enough [info about alleged "collusion"] was coming out into the open and I knew there was more."

But when she was put under oath, warned that she could be charged with perjury if found to be lying, she admitted she didn't have evidence she previously claimed to have.  Transcript:
Trey Gowdy:  Why don't we go back to that sentence that I just asked you about. It says 'the Trump folks, if they found out how we knew what we knew about their staff dealing with Russians.'  How would you know what the U.S. government knew at that point? You didn't work for it, did you? 
Farkas:  I didn't.  (Farkas had left the federal government in 2015.)
Gowday:  Then how did you know?
Farkas:  I didn't know anything.

Gowdy:  Did you have information connecting the Trump campaign to the hack of the DNC?

Farkas:  No.
Gowdy:  So when you say, 'We knew,' the reality is you knew nothing.
Farkas:  Correct.

Gowdy:  So when you say 'knew,' what you really meant was felt.
Farkas:  Correct.
It's devastating.  She never had any evidence of collusion, but merely felt there had to be some, somewhere.  So she let CNN interview her on-camera numerous times, and...lied about having "direct information" showing collusion with Russia.  And all the networks lapped it up and smugly claimed their claim of collusion was now proven.

Sure.  And to Democrats and Trump-haters it makes perfect sense.

H/T Ace of Spades.


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