Then: "We must believe all women who claim to have been assaulted." Now: "...unless the accused is a Democrat"
They Lying Mainstream Media eagerly joined the Dems in demanding a full investigation of Blasey-Ford's claims. And that's what happened. And it revealed that a) despite claiming she'd been assaulted, Ford never told anyone at the time; b) she couldn't remember when the alleged assault supposedly occurred, or where; c) she claimed several of her friends would corroborate her charges, but not one of them did, and in fact two specifically said they didn't believe her.
Cory Booker was typical of the Dems who eagerly joined the howling mob trying to prevent Kavanaugh's confirmation. When that failed Booker said it was due to senate Republicans determined to "brush aside deeply troubling and credible allegations." Here's Booker last fall:

But now that Dem nominee (for now) Joe Biden has been accused of sexual assault, suddenly things are...different. Even though the accuser provided details of an assault far more serious than Ford claimed, and told friends about the assault at the time, and a court filing made in 1996 has surfaced referencing the assault and its effect on the accuser, specifying the victim by name, the Democrats and the media have scoffed that no investigation is needed.
In other words, to the surprise of no one, the Democrat/Media standards have suddenly changed from "All women must be believed" to "...unless the accused is a Democrat."
The highest-ranking Democrat in the U.S.--House speaker Pelosi--blythely dismissed the charges with a wave of her bony hand: "Joe Biden is Joe Biden," she said, as if that was proof that the accuser was lying. Virtually the entire #MeToo movement has circled the wagons to dismiss the charges against their party's nominee (for now), saying no investigation is warranted.
Amazing how "flexible" Dem/Media standards are, eh?
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