May 10, 2020

Democrats in the House introduce huge new cash pmts to voters; Dem senators immediately quadruple the offer

If you've ever wondered how much money Democrat pols are willing to "give" voters to buy their vote, consider this:

Last month, Democrat congresswhores Ro Khanna and Tim Ryan introduced what they cunningly titled "The Emergency Money for the People Act," which would give $2,000 per month to every American age 16 or older.  The bill would also give people an additional $500 per month for each child.

Cool, eh?  And now Democrat morons in the senate want to give even MORE money to voters.

Yep, Dem senator Kamala Harris, socialist Bernie Sanders and Ed Markey (D-MA) have introdued an even more expensive bill that would pay the same $2,000 per month to adults, but would quadruple the monthly payment per child, to $2,000 per child every month.

Lest you think for a moment that Dems are simply trying to buy votes by opening the public treasury to those who will vote for them, the per-child slush is limited to $6,000 per family, each month.  So under this extremely wise, productive, economically sound proposal a family with 3 kids would get...uh, let me get my calculator here:  Um...looks like ten thousand bucks per month, or $120,000 per year.

Of course no one would ever propose such an insane, bankrupting plan, so apparently the reports are omitting some vital limitation.  See for yourself here.  Source is Forbes.

This, friends, is pure bribery.  And would bankrupt the country in short order.  But will get Dems elected, so it'll definitely pass the House at least.

We are living in insane times.


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