May 09, 2020

A bit of history for future Americans

This is for the history file, so that years from now someone might accidentally stumble on this and realize what utter horse-shit the leaders of the Democrat Party and their media allies have been feeding Americans for farking-EVER.

If you're over 30 you may have heard some vague stuff about an organization named "Wikileaks" that may have posted hundreds of embarrassing internal emails from the Democrat National Committee before the 2016 election.

You probably don't recall what those emails showed, because the mainstream media--the sole source for what most Americans consider "news"--didn't want to show you the actual content.  That was because the content showed that the emails supposedly "hacked from the DNC email server" were actually emails to and from John Podesta--the director of Hilliary's campaign.  This is odd because Podesta claims to have never had a position with the DNC, so how these emails came to be called "hacked from the DNC server" is a mystery.

The emails show that Podesta fell for a common phishing scam.  The emails also showed the DNC conspired to steal the nomination from Bernie Sanders.

Now let's have a show of hands:  Do any of you recall reading stories in the Mainstream Media that the damning emails were "stolen from the DNC computer by RUSSIAN HACKERS!!" ?

Yeah, only about a million times, eh?  The Mainstream Media ran that story about a million times, because screaming that THE RUSSIANS! hacked into the DNC computer would cause voters to subconsciously doubt that the emails were authentic.  Also, it would advance the narrative being pushed by corrupt directors in the FBI and DOJ that the Russians helped Trump win in 2016.

What the Media never told you was that the story that DA RUSSIANS! hacked the DNC emails was a total lie--a cunning fabrication devised by John Podesta and the DNC to hide the fact that every email posted by Wikileaks was due to...John Podesta falling for a "phishing" email.

This particular phishing scheme is familiar to everyone competent in computer tech:  The email looks like it comes from Google, or your bank, or a retailer, and says "Hi [name].  Someone has your password, and just used it to access your account.  Fortunately our security prevented this, but you should change your password immediately!  To do this, click on the link below...."

As you already guessed, the link goes to the phishing scammers, and of course one of the steps to change your password is "Enter your current password."

Here's the email:

Looks legit, eh?  Podesta thought so, and clicked on the link, unknowingly giving the phishing scammers his email password--which they used to hack his account and copy every email to or from him.

I'd be stunned if more than one American out of 100,000 bothered to read the emails published by Wikileaks, but if you read 'em you'll see that the only ones Wiki posted were ones to or from Podesta.  If Wiki had been given ALL the DNC's emails you'd think they would have published at least a few that weren't to or from Podesta.  But not one email was published that wasn't to or from him.

Statistically that's...very odd.

The phishing story explains why the Democrat National Committee refused the FBI's offer to examine their server to look for evidence of Russian hacking.  You'd think the *details* of how the alleged hack was accomplished would be of interest not just to the DNC but to the integrity of every Democrat email server.  But the DNC refused--because they knew there was no evidence of successful hacking.

Yes, the phishing scam was done by Russians, but the DNC server wasn't "hacked."  Certainly the scammers were able to copy Podesta's emails either way, but Podesta couldn't bring himself to admit to falling for such a well-known scam without losing face.  Hence the "We wuz hacked!" fable.

A huge reason Podesta was determined to blame Russia instead of himself was this:
Podesta email to Hilliary comm director Jenifer Palmieri

Podesta is one of the people the Mainstream Media fawned over as "elites," the brilliant ones.  And with the help of their Media allies those "elites" came within 75,000 votes of putting the corrupt Hilliary into the presidency.

Now they're trying to use their power to make accusations of Biden's corruption and assaults vanish.  And it looks as though they may succeed, just as they managed to con Americans into believing "We wuz hacked!"  And "Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election."

May God help us.


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