May 11, 2020

Leftist Media: Lifting lockdown is "an experiment in human sacrifice"

When a Republican governor decided to end his state-wide lockdown, the Lying Democrat-run Media screamed that ending the lockdown was "An experiment in human sacrifice."

Seriously.  That was the headline in the left-wing shithole mag "The Atlantic."  The sub-head was "The state is about to find out how many people need to lose their lives to shore up the economy."


Of course no governor declared that any leftwing media organization had to be shut down, so those "elites" never misses a paycheck--which makes it easy for them to keep supporting lockdowns.  After all, it's not a hardship on THEM, eh?

If you trust the Lying Mainstream Media--Democrat-run and totally anti-Trump--you deserve what you get.

They're the same people who claimed the FBI has always been totally fair and honest, and would never NEVER break the law.



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