May 10, 2020

Record low temps in northeast prove Global Warming is real !!

Yesterday saw record-breaking cold weather in the northeast.  And according to Democrat lawmakers and assorted "experts," this means Americans MUST
  •  Stop using natural gas and coal to produce electricity (causing shortages and raising costs);
  •  Stop driving gasoline-powered cars
  •  End commercial jet travel
  •  Stop eating meat, since animals produce methane (a "greenhouse gas")
  •  End dairy farms (same argument as above)
It's so interesting that about a decade ago, after a string of record-cold winters, the Global Warmies dropped the term "global warming."  Vanished overnight.  The new term was (and remains) "climate change."   And yet...

EVERY ONE of the core demands of the Warmists listed above is designed to reduce the amount of either carbon dioxide or methane.  Both of those are "greenhouse gases," which leftist "scientists" claim are warming the planet.

If you wanna have fun with a leftist or Democrat (redundancy alert), ask 'em "If y'all really believe the problem is no longer 'global warming' but actually 'climate change,' why are every one of your demands aimed at reducing 'greenhouse gases'--which you claim cause, not 'climate change' but only global warming?  Doesn't that show that your saying the problem was no longer 'global warming' but now 'climate change' was nothing more than an attempt to avoid looking dumb when the planet refused to get warmer?"


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