Anti-Americans at leftist website claim the world would be better if U.S. didn't exist. Seriously!
For those of you who still don't believe leftism is a mental illness, consider a snowflake by the name of Dylan Matthews, writing for the leftist cesspool "Vox" on July 4th.
On the day the rest of us were celebrating this wonderful nation, Vox was publishing this:
Wait...what?"Three reasons the American Revolution was a mistake."
Yeah, dat's right, kids: Li'l Dylan and his comrades at Vox really did claim the U.S. should still be a British colony.
Now if you're normal you probably don't believe any rational person born in this country could hate this nation so much that they'd seriously write that "the American Revolution was a mistake." But he did--and Vox published it.
On July 4th. Because what better time to bash America than when we're celebrating our founding, eh?
If you think li'l Dylan and the anti-American monsters who started and continue to work for Vox are rational, this should cause you to re-calculate.
Samples of his stellar reasoning below--and again, completely supported and endorsed by the leftist monsters at Vox:
This July 4, let's not mince words: American independence in 1776 was a monumental mistake. We should be mourning the fact that we left the United Kingdom, not cheering it.I'm reasonably confident a world in which the revolution never happened would be better than the one we live in now...The main reason the revolution was a mistake is that the British Empire, in all likelihood, would have abolished slavery earlier than the US did, and with less bloodshed....Decades less slavery is a massive humanitarian gain that almost certainly dominates [sic; "outweighs"?] whatever gains came to the colonists from independence.The main benefit of the revolution to colonists was that it gave more political power to America's white male minority.
And of course only white males have any rights or power in this country, right?
Finally, [if not for the Revolutionary War] we'd still likely be a monarchy, under the rule of Elizabeth II, and constitutional monarchy is the best system of government known to man.
Oh, certainly. Kings and queens are definitely best, cupcake.
Dylan, you are a moron. An embarrassment to humanity. What you and your comrades consider "brilliance" would get you killed in two minutes in most of the rest of the world.
You are allowed to live because unlike your Antifa pets, the rest of us actually tolerate of free speech, even when it's uttered by insane, moronic children dazzled by their own supposed brilliance.
[A] desire to preserve slavery helped fuel Southern support for the war.Really? Do you have a single quote from that time to support this? Really, go ahead and check. I'll wait.
You don't, of course. Because if you'd had one, you'd have trotted it out to support your fantasy.
For white slaveholders in the South, Simon Schama writes in Rough Crossings, his history of black loyalism [i.e. willingness to fight for Britain against the colonists] during the Revolution, the war was "a revolution, first and foremost, mobilized to protect slavery."
The author li'l Dylan quotes--Simon Schama--is an art history professor at...wait for it...Columbia! Which to li'l Dylan is the source of all things good and leftist. Again, what's missing is ANY contemporaneous quote, rather than the fantasy of a current-day author trying to sell books. Schama's line (in red above) is unsupported by any contemporaneous writing. It's a fantasy, eagerly quoted by a deranged flaming f****t, designed to make American kids view the founders of this nation--and their reasoning for revolting against British rule--with contempt.
Oh, and it's worth noting that Schama--the art-history expert li'l Dylan relies on to support his slander, was born in the U.K. and came to...the country he believes is AWFUL because...wait for rebelled against its rightful overlords "first and foremost to protect slavery."
What horseshit. But leftists believe it. Either that or...they know it's horseshit but push it as true anyway.
Oh, and speaking of actual, y'know, history (as opposed to unsupported speculation designed to destroy support for America): In the Vox piece Li'l Dylan tells us the British offered slaves freedom if they'd fight for Britain against the colonists, and that "tens of thousands" of black slaves accepted this offer. What he doesn't tell you--but which Simon Schama included in his book--was that after the colonists won the revolutionary war, the Crown evacuated their loyal black fighters to Nova Scotia. But things didn't work out the way Dylan implies. And it's ghastly:
In Nova Scotia the former slaves who accepted the King's offer of freedom if they fought for the Crown got a "cold welcome." In fact they were victims of the what Google calls "the first race riot in North America," the Shelburne riots. And it's chilling--click here to read about it.
But wait! I thought li'l Dylan claimed slavery and prejudice were found only in what would become the U.S. And yet here we see that blacks were cruelly set upon in...Nova Scotia?? Doesn't that contradict his premise?
Why yes, yes it does. And li'l Dylan had this information available, right in Schama's book, which he so enthusiastically quoted above. But he chose not to mention these riots--cuz they cut against his entire premise.
Selective quoting by a leftist? This is my shocked face.
BTW, here's the brilliant, anti-American Dylan Matthews:
Obviously none of us gets to choose our appearance, but does this guy look normal or rational to you? Does he look like the kind of person you'd want teaching your kids? Running a day-care center?
While I'm not throwing rocks at his appearance, it's not unreasonable to draw conclusions from a person's appearance. Which may well be reconsidered after listening to the person.
Let me re-state that: People who look crazed or goofy may well be brilliant and rational. This guy is neither. He's irrational, but gets to pose as smart because he's so, SO cutting-edge Leftist.
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