August 04, 2018

Whiny former emperor: 'I had ONE 'station' that didn't like me! It was just AWFUL'

Some people seem to go thru life with everything handed to them, despite having no significant skill or accomplishment on their part.

Everyone has known people like this.  They've learned how to game the system--how to smoothly claim credit for the work of others.  But if a costly, much-ballyhooed program turns out to be a complete disaster, somehow their name is mysteriously removed from the list of backers.  And so-called "journalists" seem to know not to ask the person any questions about that disaster.

Not surprisingly, people like this often wind up in politics--a field in which appearance and glibness are vastly more important than mere reality.  So for example, if politician X says "My program will give you FREE [fill in the blank]," but in reality the program is a costly disaster, politician X is honored for being a superb leader, while the media quietly sweeps the disaster under the rug.

Barack Obama was and is a superb example.  Six months after his election to the highest office in the land, Obama gave an interview to CNBC’s John Harwood, in which Harwood observed that Obama had gotten entirely favorable storied in the media.

Not so, Obama countered. “I've got *one* television station [sic] entirely devoted to attacking my administration.”

Shortly afterward the emperor told liberal journalist Matt Bai of the New York Times Magazine, “I am convinced that if there were no Fox News, I might be two or three points higher in the polls.”

What a whiny little rat-bastard.  Had every single media outlet but ONE kissing his ass, but bitched about the ONE that wasn't.

One can only wonder how this snowflake would have handled the opposition faced by Trump, with every network and mainstream newspaper except ONE (yes, obviously Fox) snarling and trying to either trigger his impeachment or merely cripple his administration.

And on the subject of our former emperor:  Obozo has publically endorsed 87 Democrat candidates in the coming mid-term election.  Do you recall G.W. Bush endorsing Republican candidates?

If you do, you're delusional.  Following the tradition of most former presidents staying out of politics after they leave office, Bush stayed out of the media.  Not so our former emperor, to whom none of the customs and normal rules evidently apply.


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